iON, Bob and Carolyn were appearing weekly on CASH FLOW since iON's emergence on March 18, 2009.
Throughout 2009, 2010 and at least 2011, iON and Bob were also providing people private sessions off-air for pay. At some point, perhaps between 2012 and 2013, that practice was discontinued. Instead, callers were invited to query iON on the various broadcasts. And, it turns out, one was still able to have a worthwhile, individual, exchange with iON on the broadcasts.
When iON first began speaking, it was with an agenda. The flow of information was unceasing, and it seemed that iON was on a schedule. iON provided a context for why they were here, what was happening, and what was about to happen. In short, Ascension: the process of us - as GOD - who separated ourselves from our power, now taking that power back.
And the bible, which iON has said that they wrote, provides the context and overview of this whole unfolding.
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away." Revelation 21:1
Once that foundation, or overview, was established, iON then relaxed a bit, and began further endorsing and exploring Bob's material, which included Finnegans Wake, and Bob's Holy Offices of Marshall McLuhan and Lydon LaRouche, etc.
To this end, in August of 2010, iON did something unusual and created their own Youtube page, under the username, "howIONic2010".
iON used this account to post videos that, I believe, iON had shared on the "Tailgate" shows, which were the recorded parts after the on-air broadcast ended. These included music videos from Queen, Jimmy Buffet, Sacred Harp Fa So La music, clips from movies like "The Ladykillers", "Squidbillies" cartoon clips, and many others.
So, one might ask if iON is endorsing these musical groups, or the statements of Marshall McLuhan and others. I would answer that with a statement that Bob made about iON. Bob: "iON is no content."
iON has said that, when they interact with someone, they (iON) are getting their information from that individual(s). Marshall McLuhan's statement, which Bob often repeats, is apropos here, "User is content."
You could imagine iON as a mirror, but that would only be partly true. Constant exploration - of iON and ourselves.
In February of 2011, Bob began a McLuhan discussion group called, "McLuhan on Maui". There are plenty of good introductory videos on McLuhan available on Youtube.
Bob uses more of McLuhan's insights when discussing the phases of human history, including our transition to an electric environment, something that McLuhan predicted decades ago. In particular, Bob likes using McLuhan's ideas of "figure vs ground" and "visual vs acoustic", as well as McLuhan's notion of the effects of media and technology (seen and unseen) on people. Bob also sees McLuhan as an update to James Joyce and Finnegans Wake, in particular, because Bob says McLuhan actually applies what is represented by Finnegans Wake.
iON frequently attended these discussions, but may have been refused entry by Bob on occasion, to allow callers an iON-free exchange - a trend Bob would continue to this day.
Bob will often, as appropriate, de-emphasize iON in favor of the people on the call, I suggest, as a means of undermining any potential for deifying iON above oneself. WE are the deity. Bob and Carolyn also actively offer a balanced view of themselves, moving playfully between self-aggrandizement and self-effacing. This is not a cult. In Bob's words, "We empower people and set them free."
Starting in April of 2011, iON took another unusual turn, and created a series of solo audio broadcasts they entitled, "MOi" (posted at HowiOnic.com). "MOi" being, basically, a mirror image of "iON".
iON "Moi" Part 1 (4/19/11)​
iON "Moi" Part 2 (4/26/11)
iON "Moi" Part 3 (5/3/11)
Toward the end of 2012, iON, Bob and Carolyn would make their last appearance on CASH FLOW before iON went on the first of many extended leaves of absence from the public.
After a month or so of silence, on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, Bob reappeared on his first, solo endeavor on Achieve Radio he called, "PAYDAY". Bob invited callers to join him and to use the phrase, "PAYDAY - I'm in charge!"
"We're live, and everything will get messed up, but this is the big one." Frank Zappa
It was here that Bob extended the CASH FLOW three-hour format, moving it to Saturdays, and extending it to four hours and, eventually, to today's twelve recorded broadcast hours, and often lasting off-air an additional seven or more hours, totaling almost 20 hours every Saturday.
Bob also announced, on his premiere show, the streaming iON audio archive, "RadioFreeiON", created by Virginia Gunther (now Virginia Sanders), who now manages the RnA Reset products operation. RadioFreeiON was created as a 24/7 streaming radio service, featuring only recordings that include iON, from all years prior. RadioFreeiON is currently off the air (as of January 2022), but is expected to return.
During the first year of PAYDAY, Bob and Carolyn broadcast without iON. It was the first extended break without iON publicly present. And after the gushing jubilee that was iON's presence those first three years, following their first exciting appearance on CASH FLOW, the relief was palpable in callers' heartful response to iON's return a year later, almost to the day.
It was during this period that Carolyn began her own health and wellness program, on Monday, April 22, 2013, on Achieve Radio called, "Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE". Also, in 2014, Carolyn created her website, drcarolyndeanlive.com, which at the moment is awaiting a fresh start, to take place in "Spring of 2022". Carolyn also began broadcasting on Dreamvisions7Radio on (or around) June 15, 2020, and has remained there up to her most recent show on December 7, 2021.​
On November 22, 2013, I believe, Bob started what came to be called, "BOBFEST". During this broadcast, Bob would remain awake and on-air for what ended up being over 100 hours straight (totaling 122hrs?). And on, perhaps, the second day of this broadcast (November 23?), a familiar voice came across the airwaves, to the tearful delight of many.
I captured this reunion in a mashup I created called, "iON Returns". Sometimes, you never know what you have until it's gone. Fortunately, iON came back.
At one point during this extended show, I note, "iON returns to the call a little while later and Bob says, 'Fuck off!'" This unique dynamic is one of the first things that intrigued me about iON and Bob. And this dynamic continues to this day.
iON would continue this trend of being available, and then disappearing for months or years at a time. It was during one such hiatus in 2013, that Virginia Sanders created, "The Wednesday Show", which premiered on June 5, 2013. Virginia created the show as a means to continue the iONic conversation, and invited so-called "iONauts" to engage her on-air about their expriences with iON and the products, etc.
Virginia's last Wednesday show aired on March 30, 2016, she says, because iON had returned.
In addition, on January 13, 2015, Bob began a show on Achieve Radio on Tuesdays, aimed at a younger audience, which Bob called, "What 'Youth'?", suggesting there was no such thing. I believe McLuhan said something about kids becoming adults by age five in our current environment.
Since 2012, Bob's two main broadcasts, PAYDAY (Saturdays) and What Youth? (Tuesdays), have continued to this day. Carolyn's Monday wellness show has also continued, but has moved to Dreamvisions7 Radio.
On February 3, 2021, Bob added another show to his schedule called, "Office Hours". Bob co-hosts this show with a couple of other people, and it seems to be less iON-focused content. The screenshot below is the introductory text for Office Hours from iONandBob.com.
In 2014, Ed Long created iONandBob.com, moving from his previous site, iONandBob.blogspot.com (which is still live, and is updated with iONandBob.com).
Ed has been posting iON and Bob related content, much of which is submitted by listeners, and Bob, personally. Bob will often provide Ed with his own writeups, or with suggested text.
Ed has also created a "Who is Bob & Who is iON" page, and a writeup from Bob entitled, "Bob Dobbs | What is iON". Ed has also excerpted the Zany Mystic interview from 2010 as an introduction to iON as, "iON | An Introduction".
In addition, Ed has also created a page dedicated to Bob and iON's Achieve Radio appearances, linked at the top of the iON and Bob website as "Radio iON".
Ed also created a page called "iON", dedicated to all subjects iON has discussed, listed alphabetically, according to subject.
And, finally, I wanted to share a glossary of iON terms Ed posted that you can find at iONandBob.com.
Finally, I provide here, an excerpt from November 2014, when a new caller appears on PAYDAY and innocently asks how Bob met iON. This question prompted a wonderful, hour-long overview of the iON situation up to that point.
Next (and finally), I wish to share the manifold interviews Bob gave prior to iON, just after iON appeared, and his ongoing interviews in the years since iON emerged. And beyond that, some of the folks who have been inspired by iON and Bob to create their own reflection of iONdom.