Included with iON's exegesis of the Book of Revelation in 2010, which included chapters 1-22, iON also included chapter 23, which iON says was missing from the original text.
Those who purchased the entire audio analysis of the Book of Revelation also received supplemental printed material for chapter 23, which included what came to be know as the "Angel Diagram" (or "Angel Chart"), as well as "The Keys & the Aethyrs", a means of engaging with the angels. This information has since been shared publicly, and is available at iONandBob.com.
Below is an example of the Keys and Aethyrs. These are available at the iONandBob.com site if you click the links I made above.
The Keys and Aethyrs have been provided as a way to engage and direct the angels. Along with the printed form of the Keys and Aethyrs, Ed Long has also included audio excerpts of iON and callers going over the Keys and Aethyrs.
While on CASH FLOW, which Bob left in August or September of 2012, Bob asked iON to say the Lord's Prayer in angel. iON also referred to that passage as "The Creator's Prayer". Here is that excerpt.
Also, here are a couple of examples of iON giving guidance to callers on speaking to the angels.
Often, when callers would ask - and, many times, even if they didn't - iON would suggest some action that a specific caller could engage that may yield some beneficial result. This is an individual process - as iON has said, they are "one-at-a-timing" it. So, it goes without saying that iON's guidance can greatly vary from one person to the next.
That being said, there is one other instance where, like engaging the angels, iON offered a practice that many could engage in their unfolding.
One thing iON has said about parallel world traveling is that it's easy getting to other worlds, but the challenge is getting back. Along these lines, iON mentioned very early on that Carolyn and Bob had a series of symbol drawings, at their home, which they could use to get back from "traveling". iON also mentioned that hieroglyphs are an example of using symbols to "get back".
More recently, iON suggested that one could perform the movements portrayed in the TV series, "The O.A.", which aired from 2016-2019, as a way of achieving the same (and other) benefit. There are instructional videos available on performing these movements on Youtube.
If you do a search at the bottom of the iONandBob.com website for "OA movements", it will yield search results of Bob's show notes that include show air dates/times in which these movements are discussed.
Very early on, iON said that once you Ascend, you no longer require the symbols to return. This may also apply to the OA movements.
During the Revelations ReWrite sessions, and to Bob and Carolyn, privately, at the end of 2010 (in October or November?), iON began speaking about a forthcoming product that may or may not have been named at that time. This product was the first released by iON, which came in the form of a "food" called, "RnA Drops".
The RnA Drops gave listeners a peek at iON's chemical and biological knowing, as iON outlined for the first time, how the drops affected Chromosome 14, which affected the RNA and DNA, and the unique effect the drops had of creating and replicating perfect cells, as well as drawing power from what iON referred to early on as "pure Source energy", or "Non-Physical", and into the "Physical". So, right out of the starting gate, iON was showing an extremely comprehensive knowing of all things spiritual and worldly.
In February of 2011, the RnA Drops were released publicly for sale, and were soon followed by ReLyte (which became ReMyte), ReMag, the ReNew serum, and many more products over the years. I wrote about my experiences on the RnA Drops in a blog on this site. Others have had even more miraculous experiences on ReMag and the other products as well, which you can find for purchase at the site below.
iON once said that if the U.S. government were responsible for releasing the RnA Drops, they would never be released. Scientists were looking at the drops and saw "nothing" there. iON has frequently said of the products that, in particular, regarding the RnA Drops, they are required for Ascension. The products prepare your body and assist it through the process of Ascension.
Later, iON said the products allow you to hang around long enough to decide if you want to Ascend or not. Very early on, iON said the RnA Drops allow us to eat anything - even radiation. More recently, iON mentioned deliberately tainted foods appearing in stores, and said the products allow us to eat these foods without issue, which illustrates iON's point about surviving even more.
iON also mentions Senate Document #264, presented in 1936, which speaks about the depletion of essential minerals from the soil, "The alarming fact is that foods, fruits and vegetables and grains, now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us – no matter how much of them we eat!" SOURCE
As recognized in the above document, we have not been really "eating" for decades. This, and much more, becomes resolved with iON's emergence. In taking the products, one truly gets a feeling of what it's like when the body gets the minerals and nutrients it wants and requires. And that's a fabulous feeling.
Bill & Gloria Gather, "I'll Have A New Life"
On the resurrection morning
When all the dead in Christ shall rise
I'll have a new body
Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life
Sewed in weakness, raised in power
Ready to live in Paradise
I'll have a new body
Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life
I'll have a new home (glory, glory) of glory eternal
Where the redeemed (ever stand) of God shall stand
There'll be no more sorrow
No more pain, there's be no more strife (no strife)
Yes, raised in the likeness (in his likeness) of my Savior
Ready to live (I'll be glad) in Glory Land
I'll have a new body
Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life
What a hallelujah morning when the
last trump of God shall sound
I'll have a new body
Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life (eternal)
Graves all bursting saints all shouting
Heavenly beauty all around
I'll have a new body
Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life