In March of 2009, during a casual conversation between a man named, Bob Neveritt, and his friend, J.W., a presence made itself known through J.W.
That presence began speaking with J.W.'s voice, but Bob soon realized that, although it may be J.W.'s voice, something else entirely was communicating.
This presence, also calling itself the "essence of the Guf" (see Talmud), has come to be known as iON.
And what iON portends is the ascension of the human race, and the return of the planet Earth to a utopia. Eden. And it all starts here.
Please come back. There's more to come.

"Our 'now' is so huge that all times and spaces, plus more, is what you will...allow yourself...to experience; allow into your framework." Bob Neveritt
"There is no 'now'." Bob Neveritt
"You are God." iON
"What you speak, is. Your spoken words create." iON
"You can be, do, or have anything you desire - anything." iON
"Just wait until your Tweets start manifesting." iON
"You are arriving at an amazing new situation for human culture." Bob Neveritt
"You got it backwards. You're not going from Genesis to Revelation. You're going from Revelation back to Genesis. To the Garden." iON
"We're in the Chip Body now. We don't need you anymore. Non-physical can now create." iON
"We're bringing 'Heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven' whether you like it or not, and whether you believe it or not." iON
"The twenty-first century is when everything changes. And you've got to be ready."
Jack Harkness, Torchwood
Max: Who are you?
Hunter: We are the waiting ones.
Max: Waiting for what?
Hunter: Waiting for you.
Max: And who am I?
Hunter: I think he be testing us.
Savannah: This ain't one body's story.
It's the story of us all.
We got it mouth-to-mouth.
You got to listen it and 'member.
'Cause what you hears today
you got to tell the birthed tomorrow...
Beyond Thunderdome
“I am an investigator. I make probes. I have no point of view. I do not stay in one position. I don’t explain, I explore.”
Marshall McLuhan (Schewe, 1971, p. 1)