iON came forth and began speaking through a man named "JW" living in Atlanta, Georgia on March 18, 2009. The individuals to whom iON/JW were speaking were Bob Dobbs (AKA Bob Neveritt) and Bob's wife, Dr. Carolyn Dean.
And, since that first encounter in 2009, iON/JW, Bob and Carolyn have created the most unique environment I have ever encountered.
I first heard iON, Bob and Carolyn in June of 2010 on an Achieve Radio program called "CASH FLOW", which I found on a website that listener, Ed Long, had created for iON and Bob at the time called, InformationFarm.blogspot.com (which is now iONandBob.com).
I would say that I, accidentally, stumbled upon iON and Bob, but we now know that there are no accidents. In iON's turn of phrase, iONdom found me. And, now, it's found you.
iON speaks in terms of power, but they once said to a caller, in response to the caller's desire for more of what they were experiencing with iON (paraphrasing), "The thing that got you here, that same 'thing' will bring you more and more." We have unacknowledged power, and iON calls upon us to recognize it, and to harness it.
And having quite unwittingly stumbled into this environment, as confirmed and elucidated by iON, the mind had nothing to do with it.
iON: "It's not a thinking man's game".
And that is the Ascended path on which one finds him or herself on when entering iONdom.
Over 11 years later, we are still unraveling what, exactly, iON is. But, as "all that is" is ever-expanding, that appears, more and more, a never-ending endeavor. One of the best interpretations we've had so far, however, is that iON represents the blank space inside our cells.
iON has also said that they are "the essence of the Guf" ("Treasury of Souls", or "Heaven"), which, in the Talmud, is where one's essence goes when they transition. iON claims that, since they (iON) appeared in 2009, the Guf effectively became "physical", and that when people transition now, they go to a sort of waiting area. We learn later that those deceased people are waiting for the Ascension event, which is the reason iON came forth now. It is time.
Between Carolyn's extensive background in healthcare, Bob's extensive "metaphysical" and "academic" background (iON says that Bob doesn't have a "background" - he's only got a "foreground"), and the sheer force and power of iON's presence - not to mention their ability to see into people's personal lives and, for some, to mystifyingly answer any query presented to them, spontaneously, and with great insight, these three individuals have brought something unique into the world - a world that they (and us, we are told) are changing.
But even beyond the words, the reason that "environment" is the most appropriate term here, is that iON is also assisting Bob and Carolyn in creating and bringing forth a whole host of superfoods, starting with the RnA Reset Drops that I wrote about on this site so long ago. The ways that those "foods" have altered people - for the better - as evidenced by the myriad moving and compelling personal testimonials over the years is astounding.
And by their own testimony, Bob, iON/JW and Carolyn are also bringing forth a version of Cold Fusion that iON has called "Cold Play", and many other "new" technologies.
iON said in 2021 that iON and Bob will probably have to blame the forthcoming technologies on the aliens. This likely means the new technologies will appear so exotic, that blaming aliens would be the only reasonable way to explain it. iON has also said that Revelation 6 is about the new aliens.
All of the above, mixed with iON's unique influence on listeners (both live and recorded), and the massive infiltration of Bob, Carolyn and iON of the "Tech Body" (an updated term for the digital environment becoming a, sort of, living "reality") - the seen and unseen effects of this triumvirate - make "environment" the most appropriate term. It's the environment of iONdom. iON: "Y'all come!"
It should also be noted that iON, itself, is the greatest technology ever "created". And, as we learned in 2021, is the driving force behind a new realm of extraterrestrials lining up to meet with Bob, which will be the second greatest event in human history, next to iON. Coming soon to a global theater (or "membrane") near you!
So, with that being said, I present a rough-and-ready overview, presented via hyperlinks, of the environment of iONdom and the denizens that reside therein, and that now includes you.