This is a my attempt at a rough chronological overview of material created by, or inspired by Bob, iON and Carolyn. This is only a rough sketch and is in no way complete. For a more comprehensive list, visit iONandBob.com.
Ed Long created iONandBob.com, which began as iONandBob.blogspot.com (which is still live), which was an update of Ed's first site to feature iON, InformationFarm.blogspot.com. Ed created InformationFarm in May of 2009, two months after iON emerged, and the month after iON began making public appearances. It was on InformationFarm in the summer of 2010 that I found iON and Bob.
The haphazard way people stumble upon iONdom, and then start groping around, trying this, listening to that, is really the best and only way to approach all of this. Just jump in wherever you feel like it. People find what resonates with them, whether that be studying Bob and Bob's material, soaking in iON (through the audio archives), listening to Carolyn's soothing guidance on her Monday wellness show, "Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE" - or joining all three on the extended "PAYDAY" show on Saturdays, or the more abbreviated, "What 'Youth'?" show, on Tuesdays.
Everything in iONdom is interconnected, and resonates with everything else. So, whichever node you begin with is already the best one for you.
That said, I will lay this out in some sort of order, so those seeking a background/overview have a starting place.
The rest, my friend, is up to you.
I'll start this with Bob and Carolyn before iON.
Bob and Carolyn have been together for over 40 years. And they have shared a photographic history of their exploits on iONandBob.com under the heading, "40 Years in the Wilderness".
This is a photographic history from 1969-2013 (four years after iON emerged).
To the above page, an anonymous user posted, "Genesis 19:19, 'Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou has magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die."
Concurrent to the above link, I would include "Bob's Timeline". This is a chronological catalogue of Bob's experiences, as recorded by Bob, starting April 22, 1935 and running to the present. This timeline includes Bob's early radio appearances on CKLN in Toronto, Canada, other public appearances, interviews, and more, and run right up to the most recent PAYDAY show with iON on 12/4/21.
Bob's timeline is so vast, that it would take many novels to cover his history. One highlight of particular note is the December 12, 1989 CKLN-FM broadcast, wherein Bob shares recorded excerpts of phone calls with both Mae Brussell, Peter Beter, and an in-person interview with Frank Zappa.
"Look, we can't be dumb if we're just following God's orders. After all, he wrote this book here. And in the book it says he made us all to look just like Him. So, then, if we're dumb, then God is dumb. And maybe even a little ugly on the side." Frank Zappa
In addition to interviewing Zappa while he was alive, Bob was also able to interview Zappa after he passed through The Evergreens, and again, I believe, with iON.
Also on Bob's Timeline, in 1992, Dave Newfeld, a music producer who worked with many bands, including Super Furry Animals, Broken Social Scene and others, created a music cd based on Bob's spoken material called, "Bob's Media Ecology SQUARED", borrowing terminology from Bob for the title.
During the 70s, 80s and 90s, Carolyn had established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the wellness arena, with not only a medical background, but also naturopathic medicine, herbalism, acupuncture and more, lecturing and authoring many books.
During the 80s and 90s, Dr. Carolyn Dean was expanding her health and wellness program, and was making appearances on popular TV shows, including "The View". Many of these interviews are still available on Youtube.
It was in the early 1990's that Bob created his "Tiny Note Chart", which you can download as a pdf file CLICK HERE.
Bob says the name of the chart was inspired by Frank Zappa's "Big Note". Bob uses the term, "Xenochrony", which he also got from Zappa. Zappa put vastly discordant elements together, and these elements, combined, serendipitously created a pleasing effect.
"When one does everything in one's power to avoid merging in synchronicity... and fails... 'Xeno' means strange. So, 'xenochrony' means 'strange synchronicity.' I don't mean that synchronicity is a strange phenomenon. I mean the failure to willfully avoid synchronicity is strange." Bob Dobbs, 1986
"You're supposed to notice that the ground of the chart is Zappa. But I didn't have something to supplement that until this... he said, 'I want to find all different kinds of ways of doing music.' That's 'quadrophrenia.'" Bob Neveritt, 2018
The chart is broken down into five quadrants, based on Bob's Five Body model (Chemical Body, Astral Body, TV Body, Chip Body and Mystery Body), but any more than that, you will need to ask Bob. The chart also includes what Bob calls his "Holy Offices" (Marshall McLuhan, Lyndon LaRouche, Mae Brussell, William Irwin Thompson and Arthur Kroker).
Bob often uses these five individuals, each of whom represents one of the five "quadrants" on his chart, and which is paired with one of his Five Bodies, as a guide or starting point in explorations with others. Also included are James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, and a whole host of other known, little-known, and virtually unknown individuals.
In particular, James Joyce's work, "Finnegans Wake" figures prominently in iONdom, as iON says that the Wake, and the bible, are the only two books that can still stand in this environment. Starting October of 2020, Bob and iON began a series analyzing Finnegans Wake, which Ed Long has posted at iONandBob.com
In addition to Bob's Timeline, in June of 2008, another website, Dobbstown.com, was created to capture many of Bob's newer exploits, including explorations of his Tiny Note Chart. That site is offline at the moment, but can be explored via Archive.org here.
It was also during these pre-iON years that Bob was visiting with spiritual mediums, including The Willows, The Evergreens (through Michael Blake Read) and Cosmic Awareness [PDF download link] (through David Worcestor).
At the same time, JW was following psychic medium, Esther Hicks (for the entity/entities, "Abraham"), and asking questions at public sessions. Other participants, it is said, were upset, because, for some reason, Esther kept calling on JW to ask questions.
What we've learned about JW is that he is extremely wealthy, perhaps a trillionaire, lives in Atlanta, Georgia; has a family, with at least three children; is churchgoing; is friends with the Queen of England (and visited in late 2021, as shared on PAYDAY), and many more fascinating insights over the years. Apparently, the amount of wealth that JW oversees requires him to have a massive security detail, some of whom Bob and Carolyn have met.
JW's personality shines through iON and, indeed, having had the opportunity to speak to both "separately" on the phone with others, are virtually impossible to tell apart. iON admits to picking up, or expressing, many of JW's habits and likings.
It could be said that we know about as much about JW as we do about iON. As Bob and Carolyn have told it over the years, that I can recall, JW first met Carolyn at a health expo in the mid-to-late 2000's and hit it off. The three soon became friends. Carolyn said of JW, that it was nice to meet a rich person who wasn't a jerk.
There is a lot, and yet very little, that can be said about JW. It is significant enough that Bob and iON have said that JW has done something, by having iON come through him, that no human has ever done. I would surmise this is not the only novel thing JW has done, as what has been revealed about him over the years has been fascinating.
At some point, JW began telling Bob and Carolyn that he was having unusual experiences, including looking out of a window at his home and seeing "other worlds". JW was also seeing "dead people", one of whom was Peter Beter, with whom Bob was obviously familiar. Apparently, Peter Beter told JW to say "Hi" to Bob, which prompted the first encounter with iON on March 18, 2009.
As Bob tells it, thinking that The Evergreens, with whom he had recently stopped visiting, might be trying to come through JW, he asked JW to sit quietly a moment to see if anything happened. A moment later, JW began speaking. At first, Bob wasn't sure if it was just JW, but it soon became apparent that something else was speaking through JW.
Bob said that iON told him later that, if Carolyn was not present, iON would not have come through - iON/JW said that they trusted Carolyn. The three of them were required to be present. The first statement that "iON" made was regarding what the three of them were doing together. If I find those words, I will share them here.
Very soon after this engagement, iON/JW and Bob thought it would be fun to see what happened when other people interacted with iON. Bob had a couple of friends engage with iON, and that worked out so well, that Bob and iON began allowing people to book a private session with iON.
At the time, Bob was co-hosting a show on Achieve Radio called "CASH FLOW", which he had been on since 2007. It was decided that, as a way of allowing more people access to iON, that Bob would bring iON onto the show.
As a natural progression of allowing more people access to iON, The next month (maybe sooner), Bob and iON began appearing on various radio shows, including RumorMillNews with Rayelan Allan, Radio Alchymy with Eben Ray on KPFK Los Angeles , and most notably, CASH FLOW, then hosted by Bob and James Martinez.
As of right now, none of the (immediately) above archives are available online (that I could find), but I do have an audio file of each show you can listen to, to get a taste of early iON.
RumorMill News Radio 5/1/2009
Radio Alchymy 4/30/2009
I want to include this interview that Bob and iON did with Lance White (Zany Mystic) a year later, because it is still among the introductory interviews, but also shows iON and Bob with a more emphatic expression (this is a 1 hour interview, combining these four Youtube segments: one, two, three and four).
Zany Mystic 6/19/2010
iON began appearing on CASH FLOW as "Ian" for the first couple of shows after their arrival. The next audio file from April 15, 2009, showcases "Ian". iON soon chooses the moniker, "iON", and is referred to as such shortly after this show. Also, iON and Bob become more open, relaxed and playful.
CASH FLOW 4/15/2009
I believe the CASH FLOW shows started as a 1 hour show. After iON joined the team, the show expanded to 2 hours, then 3 hours, which would continue off-air in sessions running several hours that came to be referred to as the "Tailgate Party", or just "Tailgate".
This is one of the Tailgate after-shows from April 4, 2010. This session/recording is 7 hours long. These after-show recordings were much looser and casual than the on-air segments. iON has playfully referred to these Tailgate shows as "just dirty and wrong."
TAILGATE: 4/4/2010
Several other things happened soon after iON's arrival. First, Ed Long created InformationFarm.blogspot.com in May of 2009, adding iONic information to his website. Also, a website was created specifically for iON at HowiOnic.com.
As the wealth, breadth and depth of the information that iON provided quicky grew, there became a need to catalogue everything. The Howionic website included a graphic that iON chose, which is the now recognized logo for iONdom, the pyramid with the sun and "iON".
That site includes a brief write-up on iON, and one on Bob.
It was also decided that iON would not appear unless the engagement was recorded. iON's words and presence are meant for everyone. If the engagement is not recorded, iON will not speak.
iON will, and has, however, made posts on Internet chat boards - a practice iON continues. iON has also been known to email, or post messages to, individuals engaging iONdom (as well as those who are unaware that they may be "included").
In addition to appearing on-air on CASH FLOW, Bob and iON were engaging in private sessions, the results of which were posted for free, and for sale, at the site, Howionic.com. Also, prompted by a query by Ed Long, one of those sets of recordings included iON's analysis of the Book of Revelation. The first three chapters of iON's analysis of the Book of Revelation are available at iONandBob.com.
Analysis-Revelation Revealed Chapters 1-3
A listener, Ronin, provided a transcript of the above Analysis.
Also prompted by another listener, Brian Johnson, who had more questions about iON's analysis of the Book of Revelation, Bob and iON began an impromptu series of calls about iON's analysis of the Book of Revelation they called, "ReWrite", or "The ReWrite Group".
The first of these calls was on October 20, 2010, and they ran just over a year, with the final call on November 23, 2011. These calls started with only a handful of participants, and grew to about a dozen. You can hear recordings of these post-Revelations calls below.
In short time, we realized that the Book of Revelation, and the bible itself, were the underpinning of what iON was sharing with us all. We learned that the bible, inspired by iON, was written backwards. We are, in fact, moving from the Book of Revelation back to Genesis and the Garden of Eden. The premise being that, as God, we separated ourselves from our power by placing it in the Ark of the Covenant, and created a veil between ourselves and that power.
This whole process is being reversed, in what iON calls "Ascension." We are taking our power back, as individuals, and ruling and reigning, as GOD, on our throne. iON: "It's the end of the beginning."