My Private Session with iON on February 18, 2011 ​
It's Saturday, February 19, 2011, as I'm writing this - "The Morning After".
After kicking the idea around, considering it, dismissing it, contemplating, then dismissing it again (rinse and repeat - iON's words interject themselves), I finally decided to get a private engagement / session with iON (you can read more about iON here).
I always knew I was going to have a session / speak with iON...I guess it was just left to the timing. It was all pretty fast. I decided early last week to write Bob Neveritt to set up an engagement, and he was able to fit me in yesterday (Friday, Feb. 18).​
I'm starting this blog entry while my memory of the experience is still fresh. I wanted to share my personal impression of the experience, and will later include text excerpts here and there on pertinent points after I listen to the interview (Bob made an audio recording of it).​
To start, I should say I'm an extremely private person. I only have a couple of friends; although, I consider, for the most part, just about everyone I meet to be in this category. The number of people I interact with at home, however, only include my close family and, on occasion, Renato. I do also, although infrequently, interact with a handful of people through email I've met online.
I'm sharing this just to set the scene.
I was apprehensive about the session for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was an understanding of the immensity of what was occurring and, given that, not knowing what might be revealed in the call (nothing about me personally, but I knew the potential there for throwing open doors into the unknown - and irreversibly. Something which I learned during the call is a "matter of fact". I will tell you, once you set on this path - which we all have done - you're on it for good. You've signed on for the whole package. And speaking with iON - literally "speaking" will throw the doors open, so be careful what you wish for.).
Bob initially called me and we chatted for a bit. We introduced ourselves and he gave me a rundown on what would transpire. I think I was a little more reserved. I'm not used to making cold calls, let alone to folks with Bob's history, or like iON.
What's funny is, there were two individuals, both listeners and participants in the Cash Flow show and related message boards, who basically contacted Bob at the same time about stuff I'd written.
Well, Bob actually conference called one of them while I was on the line (this is after I'd been talking to Bob for a few minutes. And here I'm thinking the session would start when the call started, but instead, Bob's conference calling me.).
The two folks that contacted Bob did so after one read the article I wrote on iON, and the other about a Twitter post(s) I'd made about Bob (no idea how they found the Twitter post...).
One of the folks, Matt, wrote me when he'd seen the article I wrote on iON. When I first saw ​Matt's site I thought he was mocking iON; the site's splash page featured what looked like a run-of-the-mill diet pill advertisement [UPDATE: 3/27/2013 - Matt has since updated the website to what you see today.].​
As I read, however, and watched a couple of ​Matt's Youtube videos on vitamins, etc., I realized he was sincere. Matt was also advertising what he was calling RNA Drops (what he was also calling, "Relax N Allow Drops").​
A couple of things happened when I saw this. First, the vial with the milky substance in it reminded me of an experience my friend Renato had shared a couple of years ago. After I'd read the article, and about Matt's experiences with the fluid, the synchronicity of that discovery really hit me hard.
First, RNA is a factor of DNA that iON says is changing right now. It is what is and will transform with this shift.
And "relax and allow" is a catch phrase of iON's that comes up again and again as a prescription, of sorts, for those who want to more easily and fully come into their place of power (iON's words). In the session, iON said Bob could further flesh out this aphorism.
What's interesting is, not so much the happenstance encounter with Matt and the RNA Drops (which, I learned from Bob last night, was something listeners had been bugging iON about for some time, and which I just happened upon at the time of their release), but the odd synchronistic reference back to Renato's experience (I'm getting to the session, but want to share this as it is relevant).
It was also funny that Matt had told Bob about my article, and the day after Bob read it, he sees an email from me, asking for a private session. All of these exchanges happened spontaneously and in a very short amount of time.
When I saw the RNA vial on Matt's site, my thoughts immediately went to the experience Renato shared with me about meeting time traveling human ETs from the future. iON has described himself as a "future ET sent back to communicate with us about what is happening".
During this experience, Renato said these benevolent, future-human ETs provided with a milky sort of liquid that, when imbibed, would miraculously bring the individual's physique to a peak state; a sort of reverse aging to a more robust physicality, as well as growing missing limbs, etc., and creating an all around healthy state.
This, and other bizarre things, is exactly what Matt is describing is occurring with these drops.
So here we have a future ET (iON), providing a recipe for a milky substance that is causing someone's physique to miraculously improve and, strange as it may sound, instead of gaining weight with his muscle mass, the person imbibing this is actually getting lighter. The correlation here is astounding to me.
When I realized the connection, I immediately correlated it with a similar synchronistic experience, when I posed questions in July of 2010 to Bob about these hovering planes, which I just happened to find a specific answer for in a May 2010 broadcast of Cash Flow I picked at random(?).
In that case, the question I asked in November was answered in a broadcast I picked at random six months earlier and listened to in November.
I've listened to most of the broadcasts since then, and the planes were not mentioned in any other broadcast until the session of my question on the air in November of 2010. How's that for bizarre?
What the two above experiences showed me was that there is no time. It doesn't matter if something happened ten years ago, it can be (and likely is) relevant this second.
It also shows that the aspect of ourselves that is communicating with us is doing so outside of time, and in a way that is on a completely different level.
Example, iON has said that the Great Pyramids in Egypt are from a future experience for us (adding that there is no time), and that we created them there in our now, so we would recognize them in the future (or our future now).
I realize it's probably hard to get your mind around, but it's reality.
A great example of this no-time, or unity experience are the hieroglyphs from the Temple of Osiris in Abydos by Giza, Egypt (below).
These carvings are 2,000 years old. The picture speaks for itself. What is happening here? ​
There is another website dedicated to these anomalous findings called "OOPARTS​" (or "Out of Place Artifacts").​
iON may have made an allusion in my session to folks who are changing history. I believe the comments were in the context of what I called "time travel". iON says time doesn't exist, and calls so-called time travel, "parallel world travel".​
iON did actually begin to call a group of unidentified folks some nasty name (he finally called them "bad mamma-jammas), claiming that the folks in question were changing our history. iON said the only way you could change history would be if it were all simultaneously occurring.
I didn't pursue this point, and maybe should have, but it appears iON is suggesting what some conspiracy theorists have suggested, which is that someone is using technology or abilities to actually change our history.
I can't presume to know why iON would identify them in the pejorative manner he did, but it was clear these actions have a broader effect, and it was causing some trouble (although, we can say, iON appears to be, as in all things save for our return to full power, unaffected or detached from all of it).
If you want to have a better idea of how this simultaneity might work, something that I was able to conceptualize was to envision our experience of time not as linear, but as a sphere; where all things exist at once, in this moment.
The elements (that we can see) that makeup our reality are spherical; the planets and solar bodies are spherical, so why not so-called time; as false a premise as it may be?
What you perceive at this moment (which really is all there is) can be seen as a specific location on the sphere of perceived time. You can only see so far of the curvature in any direction, but, you can both spin the sphere and traverse it to any other point instantaneously; or you can drop through the center of the sphere and emerge at a point opposite your previous location.
These are just images provided for the sake of convenience, but anything's better (and more accurate) than our grossly inaccurate concept of time as linear. If you need a concept, the sphere is fine, but truth is as I've learned time does exist; only different experiences and locales (e.g., parallel worlds).
We've created the past and maintain it as concrete, when it is just an experience not occurring in our present experience. It can be repeated. What we call time travel can easily be restated as parallel worlding, or just traveling, without losing or changing the experience. And again, iON says we do this now with our physical bodies at will, but we don't presently have awareness and remembrance of it.
Another side note, I used the word "conscious awareness" last night and, as he's done before, iON dismissed the word conscious, because it implies unconsciousness and, from what I gather, to iON, there is no such thing. I will agree. We are still learning here.
iON's forcing us to reconsider the terms we use for our experiences. And he's admonished folks for using the word "conscious" (and its iterations) enough that the point must be taken seriously.
So, I'm talking to Bob and I mention Renato's experience and the RNA Drops and Bob says the same thing - I brought that experience into existence to ready and remind me of something I would experience here, now.
All of these things - the synchronicities, the deja vu, the ufos, the flashes of light, objects appearing and disappearing, etc. - anything and everything you can imagine that breaks you out of your comfy paradigm are breadcrumbs you've left for yourself.
They were laid by you, for yourself, and they are leading you back to yourself. They are calling to you. They beckon you. And guess what, for those who aren't listening / observing, they won't be ignored forever.
And the "you" that you are coming into remembrance of is beyond your wildest imagination. It is beyond comprehension. Just wait.
Before iON came on the line, Bob also made this point, which is that iON "is" you. The essence that is iON is also your essence. And when you talk to iON you are talking to you; your essence. It is vast, and has a clear perspective on all things.
And it's not just some etheric, distant god, speaking universal words of consolation and offering vague insights about the meaning of existence.
iON speaks through J.W. clearly and lucidly, and on a level that is at once very conversational, but at the same time, clearly with an agenda.
The Cash Flow shows definitely give you a taste of what iON is, and what his purpose is; the message he intends to deliver. There is already a sense of something unique happening that can be discerned there.
However, I can now say that you need to interact with iON personally, on this intimate level, to experience directly what is happening. The sense you get is that the interaction is truly serving a purpose. There is a direction and agenda; however, seemingly casually or playfully pursued.
When you speak to iON with total attention, you really get a sense that something is happening. I suggest you don't go into this profound interaction with the hope of finding your car keys, or to speak to a dead relative.
It's not that iON won't oblige, but he is trying to do something much greater. He has a mission. Anything you can ask can be answered, and you can go through an encyclopedia of information, but it's just information.
There is an activation iON is trying to effect, and it is beyond questions and information. iON is more interested in bringing awareness to the questioner - to the being asking the questions.
It comes in his directing the mind / listener toward (hopefully) a real-time, spontaneous realization of the being (and its power) asking the questions. Of course, it is likely more expected that the realization will come after, but if it comes sooner, all the better.
The ultimate goal is to simply bring you to a knowing of who you are. And who you are can do and see everything iON can do and see - and more. That is the place of knowing, experiencing and creating from full power, and from that place all things flow easily.
The connection / linkup when you're interacting and focused is so pervasive you actually get the feeling that iON is virtually sitting next to you. The attention to the speaker (you / me) is on a level I've not experienced before.
For whatever reason, I'd "gotten it" before I spoke with iON, so when I finally had time with him, I could use that time optimally; with total awareness.
I've heard some folks have had more than one session, and some were drunk or high while they were having it (don't think it matters, because you will listen to the session later, and I can assure you iON will still have provided relevant insights).
I've also listened to the "Ladies of Gaga" excerpts on the Cash Flow show, which are recorded phone conversations between women who are involved in and discussing the iON situation. One of the women spoke of a session she'd had with iON and joked that he'd gone on about twenty minutes on the "peanut butter sandwich" analogy.
The analogy is that iON is the peanut butter (non-physical), and we are the bread (the amnesiac "you" wanting to remember / reconnect with greater "you") using iON / non-physical essence / peanut butter, to reconnect "us" with "us" (or you with you) to make a peanut butter sandwich; i.e., to make us whole again (Side note: iON says our separating ourselves from our power was only a minor dropping of a veil, but was just enough to place us in this condition. It will soon be remedied. Forever.).
What I'm trying to get at is that not everyone will interact with iON and have the same experience I did. But many will. It is your mindset and level of focus / attention that is, in large part, at least responsible for what you will get out of the session.
However, having said that, iON has a knack for taking what trivial subject matter we might casually utter and using that to open us to deeper subject matter; there are no stupid questions, and no subject matter is insignificant or inconsequential in iON's hands.
Back to the call. In our exchange before iON came on, I'd told Bob that I wanted to draw out of iON information that wasn't heretofore shared (i.e., the information in the Cash Flow archives, or ​the Revelations Revealed series​, etc.); something Bob was in accord with.​
Bob has been interacting with iON for thousands of hours. There is so much information that Bob has mined from and about iON and what is happening, that he is a lexicon on this subject matter in his own right. Bob can make what iON is saying accessible, and can put everything that is happening in a larger framework and historical context. The import of what is happening now is unprecedented in human history.​
After Bob and I spoke briefly, Bob brought J.W. on the line. J.W. and iON sound exactly alike. There is no difference, from the couple of minutes I spent with J.W., in the manner in which both J.W. and iON speak. The inflections, tone and good humor / laughter are identical.
I'm sure that someone who knows J.W. may notice more of a difference, but it sounded like I was talking to the same individual.
iON's tone is warm and very assured. iON sounds exactly the same on the radio as he does on the phone. Despite this, iON was now, officially, the fourth person I'd spoken to on this phone call; a call that I thought would be brief and intimate (remember the conference call?).
I'd already felt anxious just speaking to Bob (who, by the way, is a great, amiable and animated conversationalist. Very likeable, as I'd anticipated), then the conference call, then J.W., and now iON (all strangers, for the most part), and, added to that, I was experiencing such a rush of energy I couldn't sit down.
Not to mention, according to Bob (who says he has tangible, physical evidence to back this up), that all of the elite and powerful, many celebrities, as well as the Vatican / Pope, and notables in the intelligence community are now monitoring iON and every session, because they understand the significance of what is happening. Really let that sink in.
So, what are the first words you utter when you're speaking with the omniscient, etheric gestalt that composes the very fabric of your being and the universe around you? Why, "How are you doing?", of course, which is exactly what I asked before I could stop myself.
It's compulsory. It's what you do when you first bump into someone you know. "How's it going?" iON humored me, clarified my oversight, and offered something to the effect that, "We're very non-physical, thank you." (a response he's also used on the Cash Flow show. I still chuckle at it...).
I've heard this with other folks interacting with iON - and I had a list of questions I'd thought up that were on my computer screen that I was going to ask, but by the time iON came on, I was at the peak of this anxious, scattered state.
So, as I'd heard in other questioners with iON, I experienced this same sort of stupefied state...This pause.
iON spoke, and any preparedness I'd had before he came on went out the window. This is actually where I noticed a difference between J.W. and iON. iON's presence is commanding; although, not in an overpowering sort of way. There's just something about it.
What I realized at that point, which was also a notion I'd had when writing my questions, was that it would be best if iON sort of led the way.
iON (and Bob) have said that "we must ask". iON will not just start talking and provide every bit of information he has - you wouldn't want that anyway, because he would never stop, ever. Of course, we have eternity, or infinity, so if you're so inclined...
We must ask for it to be presented. Knock and it shall be opened to you. Seek and ye shall find.
I mention, briefly, this need for asking in the iON article I wrote. So, in that spirit, I wrote a list of questions; about death, ufos, time travel, 2012 / the shiift, Renato's experiences, channeling, etc.​
At the same time, I realized that the circumstances should dictate how the conversation unfolded, instead of me writing a list of questions and forcing the direction of the conversation from this limited perspective.
There is a trust that should underpin, or be observed in this process; as well as a simple allowing and spontaneity, for lack of a better term.
I say for lack of a better term, because at one point during the conversation, I asked iON if my own openness brought these experiences to me. To which iON replied that it was my lack of "closedness?"
At first, this seemed to be a slight juxtaposition from iON's previously shared comments on stating / speaking the positive of any subject and not its negative or negation; e.g., to see and speak "wealth" as a way to attractit instead of focusing on poverty, and therefore increasing that poverty by focusing on it.
iON explained that we aren't seeking "openness" - we don't seek anything, because that implies a position of lack. So, he says, I wasn't closed off. I was in a state that wasn't blocking or refusing these experiences, period. Very interesting position.
This position of non-seeking is exactly what the great Eastern mystics and teachers have shared. As soon as you seek something (implying the lack of it), it eludes you. Now, this is not to say we can't desire something, which iON says is fine; desire doesn't imply lack; we are creator gods, and wish to manifest, explore and enjoy.
Wishing to have an experience is, as I take iON's position, different than feeling a sense of lack or incompleteness. iON did offer one example, and said, "Why did you jump on the roller coaster? Because you could." This is a desire, and it is the intention of moving from one joyful experience to the next, not experiencing a sense of lack.
Another fitting analogy might be choosing between filet mignon or tacos for dinner. You might desire filet mignon over tacos and thus create that / draw that to you. iON has also made the analogy that you might "desire" to roll a bigger fatty (reference to rolling a marijuana joint). I'm sure iON or Bob can put a finer point on it.
My response to iON just came out without much thought. I'd asked if "non-physical" described and encapsulated all of the phenomena we were experiencing; i.e., the "Mystery Landscape". This is a term​ coined by Bob, which is summed up ​here.​
The term Bob uses just popped into my head, but it fit perfectly to describe this unknown paradigm we are entering. I don't go around using Bob's terminology ("Chip Body", etc.), although, I think Bob's explication of the whole process is fascinating and spot on.
iON seemed pleasantly taken off-guard (although I'm sure this was, to some degree, exaggerated for effect) at the fact that I wanted to jump in the deep end right off the bat. My comment wasn't prepared, but for some reason, it encapsulated my entire list of questions - the crux I was, in hindsight, ultimately, trying to get at - and set us off on a totally extemporaneous and fascinating exploration.
At that moment, I dropped all of my questions and allowed the moment to dictate what I asked next. Just let the stream flow. What you're ultimately trying to do is to bring out what is behind all of this phenomena / these questions.
It's not about knowing where ufos come from. It's about the purpose behind the appearance in the first place. I'm seeing that it's less about making contact with other races, and more about bringing us to a fuller experience of ourselves in the context of the bigger picture.
Again, iON's analogies and choice of words can seem mundane, deceptively so, but they are very deliberate; there is a purpose behind his words, and you can literally feel that energy coming at you.
iON can elicit something in you simply by when and how he chooses to laugh. It's not that his laughter isn't spontaneous - it is. And it will get you laughing along with him. But every time iON expresses himself, it is purposeful.
Another side note, I couldn't help but laugh when Bob was describing to me last night how much iON had not only been posting and emailing people, but also posting Youtube videos on the message boards that related to the conversation at hand, real-time.
At one point, and there is a recording about it (toward the bottom of this list​), J.W. had unplugged, removed the batteries and taken apart his laptop, but found iON was still using it to send messages.​
I have, I believe, seen a photo of J.W. on one of Bob's boards, but I was picturing iON as this jolly southern Buddha type, churning out emails and messages, and posting videos and it made me chuckle. He's got an agenda, for sure.
There is something about iON's presence that comes through that is very immediate, intimate, powerful, encouraging (almost beyond words), caring, gentle, and wise on a level you have to feel to experience.
He / she / it comes off as hyper-present and at the ready. There is a fountain of information and guidance that only a question is needed to release. It needs to be reiterated that J.W. is not a channel. What is happening here is so far above and beyond what channeling represents that channeling becomes child's play.
iON awaited my questions or comments, and immediately let loose with his responses. As the conversation unfolds, organically - and I'm sure others can attest to this, your original questions just become more and more distant (although, there are pauses where you are encouraged to ask).
The journey you experience is profoundly focused on you. This is you talking to you. It is a trip when you grasp and experience it at the same moment.
Let me tell you, when my mind started to stray to broader subject matter: examples of bizarre phenomena, or other people's experiences - I didn't even need to ask the question - iON would almost intercept the question before I could utter it in a very subtle and expert manner, and guide the subject back to me.
iON was actually corralling my intentions / thoughts - he was almost waiting, metaphorically speaking, at the moment I would ask one of these questions, and guide me back to myself. And this is not in a manipulative or deceptive way at all.
I did not get a chance, save for the beginning when I was asking about the hovering planes, and a very brief exchange on channeling, to probe my preplanned subject matter.
I was totally happy and pleasantly surprised to just go with it, but it was clear the conversation was meant to keep my attention focused in the moment, on myself, and in encouraging me to see everything in the context of my powers as a powerful creator being.
When I mentioned to iON that I was baffled by these hovering planes, iON responded that there is no time, and if there is no time, there is no gravity.
iON cites scientific theory that gravity is the acceleration of an object at 32 feet per second per second, and says if there is no time, then there is no gravity.
iON said the beings in these planes were timeless, but when I asked, he also said that I was. I could have gone on the entire time asking about these planes, but it was clear that iON didn't want to focus on the planes, he wanted to bring me back to the individual perceiving the planes.
Another comment that made me chuckle, and actually made sense, was that these planes could always hover we just didn't realize it. Realizing, now, that the makeup of our reality isn't as we've been led to believe, this makes total sense.
Of course, i didn't ask why or how, if there is no gravity, we don't just float off into space. To which iON would likely respond that "how" and "what" are two of the Six Degrees of Separation. In other words, our incessant chasing of the answer to these questions will never bear fruit, but simply amount to us chasing our tails (my interpretation).
Here is my realization after considering the above: there is no time, and no gravity, and yet we still see events unfold (seemingly) sequentially, and we do not float off into space. So, what does this mean? It means we are living a paradox.
A left-brained, Earthbound intellect might suggest that you cannot walk upon the Earth without gravity, and events cannot happen sequentially without laws to allow or determine these things. Well, guess what - there are no laws. We are living in a paradox. It shouldn't exist, but it does.
I asked iON why I hadn't seen planes hovering before a couple of years ago, and iON replied that they could always do it, we just didn't know it. As good an answer as any.
I know the words make it sound like motivational coaching, but you need to understand that this is something operating on such a different level that you need to immerse yourself in it to really know what's happening.
I will say this, and I am so happy I could "get" this as early in the session as I did, but any and every question you could possibly think to ask arises based on a nudging that you have provided to yourself in some form, subtly or overtly, delicately or roughly, to draw and lead you back to yourself, period.
Any phenomena you're experiencing - it's you calling you back to you. Any unpleasantness you're experiencing that compels you to seek answers - it's you beckoning you back to you. If you're seeing ufos, yes, the same.
And during my session, this reality was absolutely driven home in the most masterful, gentle, compassionate, wise and fascinating way that my questions about the planes, ufos, ETs, governments, the economic situation, Earth changes, 2012 / the shift, all simply faded away.
All of my questions and "loose ends" evaporated. The point is this, everything and anything you throw at iON will lead back to you. He is doing what the great sages have done when they told you that the answers you seek lie within you; that you are god. We all are.
Everything you experience was created and drawn to you, by you, for you. Have no doubt - no doubt, this is about "you", and it is an individual journey. iON said this to me during the session. What you experience is meant for you.
Going back to desire, iON explained that desire will draw these experiences - your full power back to you. For example, it should be seen as "you're happy now, and you desire more and more in addition to that". This is what iON is talking about.
At one point during the session, I told iON I wanted to "turn the heat up" (on my experiences; my remembrance / assumption of full power). Something happened there. iON perked up, and he laughed this slow, sort of "be careful what you wish for" laugh.
What I immediately learned is that I was speaking a desire to non-physical, the wishmaster, and iON made it absolutely clear that I'd just created something.
iON said the intention and speaking that intention set something in motion. A few moments later, iON advised me that if things became a little "too heavy", that I could tap the brakes a little.
I should add that what iON is talking about is absolutely wonderful. It is the experience of coming more into power as a creator. Was it profound? Yes. Do I know what's coming? No.
iON has joked about folks coming into their power, saying, for example, they're complaining because they're seeing all of these things stacking up in their reality and they don't have receipts to show for them, or to explain how they got there, etc.
I asked Bob at that moment if he's had other folks doing sessions having experiences after the session, and Bob laughed and said, "Just about every other session". So, we shall see...
iON explained that we could "step on the gas" a little and increase our experience of the joy and wonder that is trickling down at the moment. He said if it was too much, you could also tap the brakes a little. Either way, the experiences are coming for all of us.
So, take heed, what you speak you create. You are creating with your words.
We will soon be in a state where we can manifest an object from seemingly nothing at all, but for the moment, the slowed down pace of this physical environment, and the veil (that is lifting) the manifestation process is a little slower and circuitous.
In any event, pay close attention to what you speak. iON has always said, it is not what goes into your mouth, but what comes out that creates your reality.
It should also be said that you can speak and wish unpleasant experiences ("contrast" in iON's terms), but it will likely only befall you. It's similar to witchcraft in the sense that if you cast a spell, you will receive the effects of that spell, multiplied / magnified.
So, I suggest you speak carefully.
Now, at the same time, and I'll include this excerpt when I've listened to the session, iON said that this is also a global event. There is a personal journey, but also because changes are happening, and will happen to the planet, it is also global.
iON has given the example before of a mudslide taking out a whole hillside of houses, but miraculously leaving one or two intact.
This is not a miracle. iON says it was a choice by the human creators who lived there (although, clearly, they wouldn't remember telling themselves they would be unaffected by the mudslide. They're as surprised as the rest of us.).
In the same way, iON has said, the sky may fall, but it doesn't have to fall on you. There are larger events, but individuals tread their own path. It is your journey and decision to experience something or not.
You can actually have a totally different experience from someone living (or standing) right next to you. This is absolute power over your reality.
iON did make some comments about us not remembering experiences of parallel world traveling, etc.
He said we're thinking, or trying to think about these things and it's got our mind stuck in a sort of loop of hitting "Return", or the "Enter" key over and over again to send a command, and it's prevented our accessing our memory; the deeper recesses.
This is something that will soon be remedied. It is being remedied now. The mystery of the so-called Mystery Landscape, the unknown, is being obliterated, in iON's (and Bob's) words. We are coming into total knowing.
I did ask iON one question about what was happening, and that was if there would be an event, in our near future (within the next "couple of years") that would affect the entire planet rapidly (I think, also, spontaneously), causing this sort of a broader "shift" (I didn't use the word consciousness).
He said yes (it should be noted that iON and Bob advise listening to ​the Revelations Revealed series (listen to ​Revelations of John Chapters 1 - 3 analyzed free) on what is happening on a planetary scale, as the biblical Revelations - especially, after iON's gone through them - spell it all out).​
I should also direct you to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth​, which iON actually posted in full on one of the forums (the full text of which is available HERE). Read the passage and see that what is happening is ancient, and wondrous beyond imagination.​
Now, it should be said, I've mentioned from my research this notion of "choosing". Each and every individual on this planet, as I understand it, will have a choice to proceed with the ascension, this planetary shift, or not.
We are all going to experience, in fits and bursts at times, and gently at others, the assumption and remembrance of our full faculties. Apparently, some will choose not to proceed. There will be full awareness of these things, and we can decide.
One should consider the whole thing an amazing ride; journey. It really is. It may be, however, too much for some folks (for whatever reason), and just as an example, Bob said to me that you have to want to remain in that experience for it to continue.
And the most absolutely freeing and self-affirming aspect of this journey is that no government, parent, partner, teacher, authority or any other person on the planet will have these experiences for you, nor will they be able to decide for you.
The universe is yours, and the experience iON (the bible and all prophecy) is speaking about is you coming into full power, ability, knowing and sovereignty as the infinite, and infinitely powerful creator you are.
Just food for thought. Everyone will have these experiences. Everyone will get to decide. And it will not be much longer. It is a fact that the experience will drive many to pass over, or leave their bodies (die). This should not be thought of as a bad thing. Only a choice.
Returning to the session. My questions were, as I recall, seemingly simple...Mundane? But also spontaneous. iON would lay out a path, and I would feel this urge to explore this way or that. The subject matter certainly wasn't, as far as I could tell, for the outside observer, "grandiose".
All in all, we spoke for at least an hour. At the end, I'd felt like I hadn't gotten through a lot (if any) of the subject matter / technical stuff I'd set out to get, but believe a lot more was accomplished / achieved on another level.
The conversation was very mundane. A fair amount of it, at least iON's responses and analogies, you've heard on the Cash Flow shows. We touched on time travel, channeling (which iON said is an example of these abilities / remembering just spontaneously arising in people; this will continue), and capturing phenomena with a digital camera.
For the most part, the really meaty stuff, the purpose for my call in the first place, was actually deceptively simple. I wanted to increase and bring more of my experiences / remembrance into being.
This amounts to bumping up the pace in the process we're all ultimately desirous of. It's the reason for our current experience of change and what iON calls "contrast", the more unpleasant experiences.
The purpose here is to hit the gas and ramp everything up; to see the breadcrumbs, messages and nudging for what they are (inspiration / encouragement from a greater part of us, to us) and to assist and enjoy the entire process to our fullest capability.
At some point during the session, I also asked to "get there as fast as possible" and Bob chimed in that it was incorrect to think there is someplace you need to get to. The fact is, we're here now, we're just trying to remember. iON jumped in and said, "You've already arrived." We're here. We are coming into a state of knowing this.
iON led me to believe something profound occurred; that I created something by speaking that. It's only the next morning, so I'm still soaking in and digesting.
What I also got from the session is to stop worrying about all of the details. Stop worrying about all of the shit that's going on around the planet. The whole thing is changing and shifting, and it will continue and increase.
It's absurd to keep commenting on this and that. Just let it all be. This is not to say that I'll stop posting about interesting subject matter.
iON actually joked that I (my writing / documentation) was the only thing keeping civilization together, because Bob and James Martinez​ had already wiped out and destroyed the monetary system.​
I thought that was funny, but at the same time, really wondered. It is a strange universe we live in...
iON's comment on my writing was that I was "trying to keep fruit from withering on the vine", or something to this effect. The comment was very insightful in that it not only captured the subject of my writings (ascension / the shift), but also my motivation for writing so much.
I am moved to share information that might bring people into an awareness of what's happening. iON said it was to "keep the fruit (folks?) from withering on the vine". It's a biblical term. Brings to mind the harvest, and passages about separating the wheat from the chaff.
Bring your attention to the present moment, because something miraculous is happening to you and within you.
I can say this, after the session, I did feel a change. After I hung up the phone, I decided to grab a mini-tub of Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup ice cream (My current favorite...They have these single serving sizes), went into the living room where the windows were open, and just quietly sat with this peaceful knowing, watching this gentle breeze push my curtains around.
When I pulled off the cap to the ice cream and stuck my spoon in, it was like a rock. After some digging, I realized that the entire top third or more of the cup of ice cream was just Peanut Butter. I had to dig and dislodge this huge chunk of Peanut Butter.
I laughed to myself as I started eating it. At that moment, I was thinking, now I know it's on.
(UPDATE: 6/5/11 - I've replaced the word "reading" with "session", "engagement", or "private engagement" at iON's request. Not regarding this specific article, but iON has asked folks not to use this word regarding one's engagements with him/her/it, as what this encounter represents is more than a reading with a psychic).