May 27, 2011 - June 15, 2011
May 27, 2011​
Missives from the front lines continues.
OK, my last post was eleven days ago. What have we learned since then? The drops can provide a bit of a rough ride...not really...OK, yes, but I'll explain.
I don't know if there's a connection, but as of Thursday last week, I went up to eleven drops. I heard from iON that, once you've reached the ten drop mark, you can continue past that.
I can't remember who originally advised that doing more than ten drops was a waste - that the body would just use what it needed and absorb the rest. I believe it was Matt, and possibly iON, but we're talking some time ago.
For new users, this, I believe, still holds true. iON said that when you get far enough along, that ten drops is no longer your ceiling. So, bear that in mind.
iON said that there are folks doing fifteen to twenty drops and that's just fine, but you have to work up to it.
Your experiences on the drops should also determine your dosage. If you are experiencing some of the more extreme shifting, then iON has advised it's OK to ease back on the number of drops you're taking to ease into / through the process.
It is always different for each individual user. Some may have an easy time reaching ten drops earlier on, and some may stay at five or so drops longer. It's an individual process.
I'm a little stubborn, so I have a tendency to stick as close to the recommended one week mark before upping my dosage; but there's still leeway there.
So, after I learned this, I happily upped my dosage a drop. That was last Thursday. Well, just to prove iON's point, apparently, I started experiencing more heavy shifting.
Until this morning, for the most part, I hadn't experienced that warm, fuzzy, wonderful bliss-like feeling to the degree I had enjoyed it previously. What I experienced instead was an increase in that "odd", out of sync feeling.
I could immediately feel a difference over the last week, but, as I mentioned, I can't be sure if it was a phase initiated by increasing the dosage, or if it was part of the larger process.
In any event, since last Thursday, I've just felt sort of unsettled; out of sync.
It's like if one were to stand / balance on that threshold between the two worlds (in a manner of speaking) one has been vacillating / shifting between, and just remained there...For a week.
It can't be called discomfort, because, physically, there is no discomfort. That is the difficulty in articulating here - the words I typically use for physical sensations / experiences are actually conveniences referring to something that doesn't seem physical in the sense we use / experience it.
I've referred to the energy body before simply as a means of expressing something I'm having difficulty expressing, but that's the best I can do at the moment.
As I see it, taking iON's lead, my reference to a process I might not be considering physical may in fact be, but we're not used to having sensations like this and calling them physical. We might call them energetic, astral, or spiritual, but as this physical body is, in reality, stepping / jumping / phasing between worlds, it is, in fact, a physical process.
We are just learning what our true physicality is, and it is larger than what we see in the mirror.
In any event, for the sake of convenience, I'll just say that the discomfort, again, is a feeling of having an agitated, unsettled sense about oneself. There indeed has been irritability during this time.
I think Carolyn's comments on irritability as a part of the process has definitely given me context for that sensation and assisted with it. It makes total sense.
Just think of a situation that might make you irritable, like someone pointing their finger at you and playing the "I'm not touching you game", and extend that agitation for seven days. hehe OK, it's not that bad, but the unsettled feeling did persist.
In addition to this feeling, there was also a sort of detachment from and disinclination to engage in any writing or interaction at all. I just felt like (and I don't do this) just lying in bed and watching TV / movies.
I actually tried watching a movie, but was too distracted. I just kept forwarding through to interesting parts...Didn't even finish it. That sort of restlessness. haha
Included with this sort of restlessness was something Carolyn mentioned on the May 25th Cash Flow show​. I believe she experimented doing twelve drops, twice daily (she had been up to twelve drops, once a day).​
She said the effect had her mind all scattered (paraphrasing). This is also something I've experienced over the last week on eleven drops (i.e., lightheadedness, dizziness (only brief periods), a slightly dopey feeling (without losing mental acuity, oddly enough), etc.).​
So, you have this feeling of being unsettled and disengaged, and yet there is no cure for it. So, what do you do? Well, nothing. You have to just go with it. Just go with it and it will pass.
Included with this unsettled feeling, during the last two days or so, was a more heavy feeling. I just felt heaviness. For the last two days, that sense of feeling like I wanted to just stay in bed was increased.
Didn't want to go to work. Didn't want to interact with anyone; but at the same time, what the hell was I going to do at home to distract me from this distraction? haha Nothing. It's like a rash.
So, for the last week or so, I've been deeply engaged with the effects of the drops and, for the most part, disengaged (or wishing to be disengaged) from regular activities.
That was, until today. I woke up fairly tired, but "hit my eleven" (yes, I'm making up slang terms haha) and within an hour I started feeling that familiar blissful feeling. Thank me!
I was wondering when the hell I was going to write another entry / article (yes, I too am a passive participant, for the most part, in this).
On a side note, these periods of total disengagement, for me at least, have been symptomatic of my creative expression.
There will be periods where I've felt like receding into the background and there is no output. I know these are periods where I'm internally working with something; material.
It's like my body / being is laboring over something and I feel the effects of that: disengagement, heaviness, irritability, etc., and then, I'll just wake up and have this bubbling over / ebullience that needs to find expression.
Like J.W. saying really early on in one of his early correspondences to Carolyn that he felt like a cow that needed milking. haha
The experience of the last week is interesting in another regard as well. Another symptom or experience of using the drops is our more extreme emotions are tempered. The drops provide this very calming sort of deep equanimity.
Nothing, for the most part, can perturb you.
When you take this seeming lack of emotion, the detachment from our usual involvement (typically, bothersome) / engagement with worldly affairs, and the periods of heaviness and disengagement, you might relate this to the experience of depression.
The symptoms seem very similar, and yet this is what Bob would call a rear view projection - we're projecting the past onto an experience that is in all reality completely novel.
It's been said that some pharmaceuticals meant to treat it actually increase the "symptoms" of depression. If one similarly looks at these periods on the drops with that projection, one might see a similarity.
What is depression, anyway? I'm sure iON could give a great definition of it. We've all felt it at one time or another (many are now). What is that feeling? You can't quite put your finger on it, can you?
It's very similar to this last week for me on the drops. You feel irritable, heavy, and want to disengage. You feel unsettled and a lack of emotions, but good luck trying to describe that sensation. haha
In any event, it is just a phase to experience and get through. It's just an experience that can't be easily articulated or defined; that can be, like earlier experiences, somewhat arduous, but go through it you must.
I was going through that thinking that Bob just keeps going and going and going. He's on the air, message boards, on the phone - he's everywhere at all times. Bob is advanced technology though, so I can't compare. haha
Today, however, I get a respite from the more extreme shifting of the drops and I'm allowed - "I have allowed" the blissfulness to return. The experience was rather soon after taking the drops and is coming full on.
On the blissful feeling, you know that cliche about people who get really drunk just start telling everyone around them they love them. Well, this is the drops. This is the space you're in when this blissful feeling settles over you.
You're completely (for the most part) sober, but you just want to tell everyone, "I love you, man. No, really. I love you." hahaha It's just a sense of fullness, contentment, strength (inner strength) and calm.
It feels good to be through that...For now. I know another phase is lurking.
So, back to the number of drops / dosage. I have been at eleven since last Thursday. It was my intention from the beginning to fully engage; and after learning from iON that once you reach the ten drop mark, gradually, you can keep going.
I certainly intend to do that.
Tomorrow (Saturday, May 28) I will go up another drop to twelve, and remain on that for a week and see how things go. I am about three quarters of the way through my third bottle.
I will say that iON could offer a larger overview of what has happened thus far, but I've only experienced, and thus been able to write about, the periods of shifting.
This whole process - ascension - is a shifting of this body. So, from that perspective, there is a lot more going on than little ol' us wanting to stay in bed and watch movies.
Bob has mentioned to me recently that the great shift I became so enamored of writing about - that will change our galaxy / universe - I've learned is actually "us" shifting; our bodies / being transforming; becoming whole.
My assessment, based on perspectives I'd had at the time, was that something like an alien mass landing, or a pulse / wave of energy coming from the center of the universe was / would change our planet and universe. It's not that these are ruled out, but our grasp of our true situation is very limited.
iON has mentioned crop circles in this regard before; almost calling them landing zones. Still, we have to wait and see.
The truth of the matter is, this shift is occurring within us, and we are causing it.
And, for each and every human being / God on this planet, your completion / this shift will not occur until you have. You must - you will shift, and your shift is what brings a shift to everything else - not before.
In this sense, it is all about you - this body. This shift within oneself is what iON has been going on about, and it is what iON and Bob have shared about the biblical Revelations.
The shift is predicated on you. It is you.
iON has also said that if Jesus hadn't ascended first, we'd be screwed. He (Jesus) set it up.
That being said, in our experience of shifting, it will appear, much like our day to day experience, that the energy causing this is coming from without; is being foisted upon us.
However, like everything in our experience, we have created the forces that appear to be interacting with us from "out there".
Early on, iON stated that the drops would be a way for us to preempt these incoming changes; to experience this now, gradually, and to acclimate ourselves to the experience.
And this experience, again, is personal. We will experience the culmination / ascension on our own schedule. Some will ascend before you; some after.
iON has also said that for folks who haven't prepared (in whatever way, including, possibly, engaging the drops), that the shifting coming upon us will occur to the unprepared seemingly all at once.
And per iON and Bob, this experience will be so extreme as to force many folks to wish to transition. It should be known that iON has said for folks / countries that might not have the drops to "Not worry. They still have non-physical."
So, it needs to be stressed that these aren't critical for ascension, or to be able to weather these experiences / energies; although, many will have trouble.
iON has said that it is simply for the folks who wish to engage this now; to engage the drops; and many don't wish to.
For the cost of a few days, or a week here and there of balancing on the threshold between worlds - the occasional "white knuckle flight", I continue to happily engage the drops.
And my suggestion to the rest of you is to, cordially, get freaky with it.
June 5, 2011
Hello, thrill-seekers! It is a wonderful day in the neighborhood (yes, I'm channeling iON...or Mr. Rogers...).
I just started my fourth bottle. I'm probably on day three of it. Around May 28 I went up to twelve drops and, as of this past Friday (June 3), I went up to thirteen drops.
I'm spending a week on each dose before increasing. I actually heard on Cash Flow that there was at least one user who was doing fifteen to twenty drops twice daily (40 drops). That is definitely a dose to work up to.
If you want to know if your kids should take the drops, there was a post made on the ​RnA Drops forum at ​ that addressed this (​LINK). [UPDATE: 3/29/2013 - The RnA Drops forum appears to be no longer active.] That post also addresses nursing mothers. ​
OK, that's all I'm saying about that. I'm just endorsing the drops. I'm not part of that company.
I do mention the drops to others who have just encountered the iON situation and have interacted with me, but that's as far as I've gone. And, of course, I have this blog, but I have not mentioned these drops on any other websites, nor have I mentioned them in my private life.
What the hell would I say, anyway?.
This item (the drops) is central to iON's presence here, and it is an element of the ascension process / shift that we can directly engage and experience growth, joy, and advancement on this path toward completion / unification. So, I continue to, you know, blog...
I'm just starting my third month (fourth bottle) on the drops, and I can say that it's not so much the increase in dosage that determines your (noticeable) experiences.
I've had just as profound periods of what I've (and others have) called bliss at three drops as I've had at ten, so don't expect to just chug the stuff and "get there". Of course, if you chug it, you will get there. I'm just saying that you don't need to. haha
I will say that up until about twelve drops, I could take them before bedtime and sleep like a baby. Actually, I still do, but I've noticed that, while doing twelve drops, bedtime is a different experience. haha
I'm sure this varies for folks; however, I know Carolyn has had to cut back because of this. This past week, I was so energized I actually had trouble going to sleep a couple of nights. I'm not worried about it, because those were isolated cases. If I want to sleep, I sleep.
It wasn't that I couldn't sleep, but it just took a little more time (only minutes) before I could sleep when I normally would just pass out / turn off like a light.
On a related note, Bob Neveritt, as he shared in the (I believe) May 25 Cash Flow show (might have been the May 18 show - I'm losing track), decided to go as long as he could with no sleep. As he told it, he ended up taking the drops three times a day (morning, night and early morning) and was up for ninety-something hours straight.
I spoke with him during this time, and the only symptom I could report is that his speech was a little slower than usual. You had to listen closely to discern a difference.
What Bob shared was he was as active as ever, including taking walks on the beach at three in the morning.
Part of the difficulty in that endeavor, I learned, is occupying oneself.
We've created such a limited schedule (dictated by our currently less-than / inadequate biological condition), and therefore experiences for ourselves, with activities mostly saved for daylight hours, not to mention the limits of our personal transportation (it's good to know this element will see a major transformation, resulting in much greater freedom), that much of what we engage in is private activity. And stimulation in that state is harder to come by (no, I will not "go there").
In any event, Bob said he couldn't have done it without the drops. And as regards the endeavor, I say, what the hell's the matter with you?! hehe
Actually, on a side note, iON shared that with Bob's experience of those four or five days of no sleep, that we've officially shifted into no-time.
When we first encountered iON, he would, respectfully, respond to our queries (including Bob's) about time, using a notion of time in his responses. This was because we hadn't gotten to a place where we could see the inadequacy of that concept.
After that, iON's reluctance to make use a concept (time) that was misunderstood, and which separated us further from where we were trying to get, brought about iON's term, "timing"; which still allowed for a reference point for a spans of experience, or a duration between two points or events being referenced / under discussion.
iON admonished use of the term, but a full, clear picture as why use of the term was discouraged (i.e., what context iON was using in his admonishment) hadn't been clarified. The result was a reluctant, unsteady few steps to get to a place where we could address the experience of duration, or expanse / delay experienced between two events, for example.
Well, even timing has gone out the window, and iON will no longer make reference to time. It is no more. Now, I realize the seeming paradox between no-time, and the experience of duration, but we're getting there. This experience is of an eternal nowness; a moment expanded infinitely in all directions.
I can't say that there isn't a delay between when I leave my house and when I'm invariably late for work (hehe), but iON is forcing us to recognize the process - our existence - as an unbroken stream of experiences.
Along these lines (I'll get back to the drops forthwith), iON asked us, "If you are looking at a clock and see 2:22, or 9:10, or any other time, is that time?"
The question was simple, but profound.
We need to re-define time (actually, we need to do away with it; it's already done away with us), to look at the concept again. And when we do, we will see that the limited, restrictive and obstructive notion iON is trying to disabuse us of really has no merit or foundation in reality.
Back to the drops (it's all related).
So, if you want, the drops can help you do a marathon no-sleep fest. Bob's no worse for wear.
Going back to the week or so ago when I was having the fairly difficult time (I wrote about it immediately below), it seems that it may have been the eleven drop mark for me that brought that on. I believe it was immediately after I started the eleven drops that I had the experience of detachment / inactivity, so to speak.
That was the first stretch of that, for that duration, for sure, that I've experienced.
I can't say if it was the result of my increase to eleven drops, or a culmination, result of the momentum, or just a single shift / phase that was a part of the overall process that just coincided with my increase to eleven drops...
Today, however, I feel that wonderful, blissful feeling.
I was considering my position / condition on the way to work one day last week. I got a sense that I was in a completely different (and definitely foreign) state than I was before I started the drops on March 1 (2011).
The drops provide energy throughout the day with no noticeable decrease. Whatever crash you may have experienced in the late afternoon will be a distant memory. I'm running full stream, straight through.
I will say that I'm driving my body both physically and mentally in my current occupation, but I'm still ready to go when I get home. Many will be very thankful for this, and I can attest to it.
It should be noted, as well, that there is still an irritability factor. Again, you may have short periods of agitation, or short temperament due to the profound shifting your body is going through.
I certainly have had these periods, including when I've been driving. haha And, typically, I have the patience of a saint when I'm driving, so I know it's the drops.
That being said, I was in an accident (minor) within the last couple of weeks.
I was driving in a downtown area when I ran into the driver side door of a parked vehicle, which was partially in the lane of traffic, when the owner opened it without looking.
I slammed on my breaks, but not before crushing his door into the forefront of his vehicle and scaring the crap out of both of us. I will say, without a doubt, that I stepped out of my truck feeling just about as calm as if I'd just meditated thanks to the drops.
The other driver, however, was so shaken up he asked me to take down both of our insurance information, etc., as he couldn't calm himself to write. My own nerves were calmed to the point that they were virtually nonexistent.
This is definitely an effect of the drops. You have this great sense of inner strength and calm.
At the same time, there is a great fluidity, freedom, frivolity and even goofiness one also experiences. The goofiness / playfulness was one of my first experiences on the drops.
I want to say this in response to folks who may be wondering about radical transformations - about what one might expect after three months on the drops.
In my introduction to the drops, knowing (or having an idea of) what they were, I had anticipated any and all sorts of experiences. Just from what Matt Hurtado, the drops' seller, shared from his own experiences, I had expectations.
We (humans) like immediate, verifiable results. We want to take a pill and have it literally, immediately and magically transform something. This is not to say that this isn't being done, but we need to see the larger picture. We also need to drop our preconceptions about how things are supposed to occur.
People are having profound, verifiable and seemingly miraculous shifts on the drops, from growing hair where they were once bald, to growing physically taller, developing perfect gums, and ending the need for what were once necessary and regular chiropractic visits.
And people having blood work done - forget about it. Their doctors are seeing things they've never seen before.
We can be sure others with similar so-called maladies are seeing these clear up. It's all real.
After three months, I can say that I am definitely different. The symptoms (experiences) that validate this for me (bliss-like experiences, inner strength, energy, calm, etc. - everything) speak to much greater, deeper, profound and unseen processes. And iON has called this process ascension.
I'm not clear, yet, what relationship the drops have to ascension (which is, in itself, something we're still learning about), except that they are bringing our physical body into a perfect, pre-Fall state (i.e., ascending us).
It is a process. And this process is individual / personal. While many experiences will be similar, many may be different; and will occur at different stages of the process.
I can say without a doubt that I've changed. But it would take iON to explore and probe as to degree.
I believe the first phase of the process on the drops is getting our physical body cleared and tuned up - it is re-calibrating it for what is to come. It is setting the stage. We are being prepared.
At the same time that the changes to our physicality are immediate - as soon as we take the drops, and the changes / shifting are ongoing. There is still a point at which iON says we will ascend; so, it is a process.
To me, whatever validating (pleasant or not so much) experiences we have in the meantime are just icing on the cake.
June 10, 2011
The shifting continues! I'm on day seven "on my thirteen" (my slang for thirteen drops haha). I'm about, maybe, a quarter of the way into my fourth bottle.
Starting last weekend, and building up to Tuesday of this week, I was in an unprecedented high / energetic state. I think working up to twelve / thirteen drops as I have (a week at a time) has brought new, better and more intense experiences for me.
This time around, I can say that the uplifting / energetic state was the most intense it's been. The conversely, most intense detached / shifting / contrasty experience (which wasn't even all that bad) took place when I went on my eleven.
In this state (from last weekend until the apparent peak on Tuesday), I was just freebasing pure energy. I felt full to bursting. I know I write a lot, but I was churning it out like I hadn't before. This was a novel experience, for sure.
And, as I posted on the RnA Forum, I was driving to work on Tuesday just saying, ""
I think the experience the weekend prior (two days before) arose so subtly, but was still so intense, that I just had to release that valve (i.e., I wasn't analyzing it).
The burst subsided by Wednesday morning, but it was definitely a glimpse of the perspective / position we will be operating on when this valve is opened up for good. It was awesome.
Now, my experience Wednesday and Thursday seemed a bit contrasty - it seemed I was a little more run down, but that was clearly in comparison to my condition the days prior. It, that alternate condition of feeling run down, is still something we're shifting in and out of.
So, these experiences will be alternately uplifting, energizing and freeing / empowering, and conversely, a little physically challenging as the shifting continues. I can only imagine what it will be like residing in the state I was in on Tuesday. I was wide open.
Today, Friday, I feel the energy again, but will have to see if it gets to that point again. It will at some point, and will surpass it, but we'll see how the weekend goes. haha
I am going up to fourteen drops tomorrow (Saturday), as I increased to thirteen last Saturday. Next Saturday I'll hit fifteen and so on, a week at a time.
I heard Bob say on Cash Flow he was up to something like forty-two drops a day(!). How Bob hasn't gone supernova is beyond me. Actually, he has. We're just seeing a delayed image; we're experiencing Bob just prior to his blastoff.
All of us have. We're just catching up.
But going back to this past experience, the contrast between that high and, immediately after that, the experience of not being in that state can be disconcerting. It's part of the ride / re-calibration you must endure.
What I can report is that these back and forth experiences continue.
I haven't had the same issues repeat that I had in the beginning, however: the sinus issues, hot and cold flashes, etc. I will say, however, that my appetite did spike again this week. I've been really hungry again the last few days.
This is, thankfully, for some readers, only brief update. The wheels of the bus continue to go 'round and 'round.
I'm going to get back to ascending. Hoping you're "going on with your bad selves."
Also, and this is something I don't think I've put together in this manner, but Matt has advised we consider the Rna Drops, iON and our ascension / Godhood as inextricably linked.
From the moment you engage the drops, it is advised that you treat iON, the drops and your ascension process (including your speaking / creating as a God) as a unified process. These things should move forward, together.
It's interesting, but Matt shared something iON said in one of his posts at the RnA Forum. iON said that one drop makes your body eternal. Can you believe that? Insane.
Might have wanted to share that beforehand, but whaddya gonna do? haha
It's all perfectly fine, however, because it was your angels / God-self that brought the drops into your experience. You may not think you're ready, but if you're here, you're ready.
Just wanted to pass this on. What Matt has shared on the drops is profound.
It just keeps getting better.
June 13, 2011
A brief update. Still on my fourth bottle, and at fourteen drops twice a day. I've been on fourteen drops since this past Saturday, June 11. Nothing too noticeable after I bumped up to fourteen.
Yesterday, however, I will say that, on my second set of drops later in the afternoon, the onset of the drops' effects wasn't as intense. In fact, it was so mild that I almost didn't notice anything.
It was, very relatively speaking, the most "normal" I've felt on the drops. Nothing noticeable either way. Of course, we're redefining what "normal" means in this process...It might be better to say I was in an easy, natural, balanced state and leave it at that.
What I did notice, and have noticed (more so after the late-day drops) is that I get really mellow. I can really hear this in my speech. There is very little force behind my speaking, and when I do speak, it's almost all I can do to get words out.
And when they do come out, I tend to sound high. haha Not sure why this is, but I am extremely mellow (as iON has said, "mellowing excitement").
Also, something I hadn't mentioned before (or did briefly in an earlier post about dehydration / mild headaches) is that as far back as three or four weeks ago, and again within the last few days, I've seen small, bright blue, translucent lights just off-center of my visual range.
You would think you'd see this stuff more in your periphery, as might occur with bright sunlight, or with strong migraines, etc., but I'm seeing this right in front of me; and there is no pain, dehydration, or any other possible source for their appearance.
Aside from first seeing this a few weeks ago during a period of dehydration, and thinking I had a headache (which I may have imagined to attribute these lights to), every other time I've seen these lights there hasn't been a physical condition I could attribute them to. It's just the drops.
The lights appear more like the flashes you would associate with a severe headache (hangover? haha), but they are more steady. The light will appear in what look like squares, trapezoids, or similar shapes (not round), will be fairly steady and almost directly in front of me. They will, however, only last for a few moments...maybe ten to fifteen seconds. Just one of the things I've noticed.
Going back to iON's statement about mellowing excitement, this is something I've experienced on other drugs. It's been some time, but, for example, if you've used magic mushrooms, or ecstasy, you may have a reference point for these feelings.
It is that experience of being very mellow, but also feeling opened up and very anticipatory. You're in a different state. That's why they call them drugs.
For those that have used ecstasy, yes, the RnA Drops are evocative of that experience.
I can say that the blissful, wonderful feelings and sensations you get on the drops, although different, are more intense. They are definitely of a higher order. It's sort of like using ecstasy, but your faculties are sharpened.
Part and parcel of the attraction of using drugs is that they put you in an altered state. You are foggy...aware in a different way, but are, for the most part, cognitively removed from your default experience / reality.
The drops don't remove you from your default experience, and don't reduce your cognition or ability to function. They enhance and shift your everyday experience, so it's new and fresh. They also enhance your senses and cognition, bringing them to a higher order.
It's not comparing apples to oranges, it's comparing apples to golden apples (or the apple the witch gave to Snow White and crunchy Fuji apples...or tart green apples if that's your thing...they're different).
There is no MDMA here, but there is a fair amount of OMGBFD in the drops. No side effects. And they work for everyone, perfectly, without fail or exception.
The drops are not a drug. Any similarity to any pharmaceutical or drug, or the effects of said drug really ends with what could be considered vaguely similar sensations.
The drops are an item that operate beyond the realm of what we would consider possible with a drug, or similar product. They actually allow our bodies to defy science / physics as we have come to accept it.
They are not like anything that has ever been invented.
It should be noted that, with the emergence of the essence referring to itself as iON, the likelihood of similarly novel and game-changing inventions will continue to emerge. This, again, is just the tip of the iceberg.
And, regarding iON, without whom the drops, this blog, and all of the drops users' experiences wouldn't be possible, all of this needs to be taken as a whole; as interrelated.
I probably don't need to say this, as folks who have found the drops are likely familiar with the iON situation, but iON, ascension / our return to our original state / God, the biblical Revelations, and the drops are all part of a larger whole that needs to be engaged simultaneously if one wishes to yield the full benefits.
One should build a solid, clear and accurate foundation to place one's experiences on the drops in a greater context. And the way to do this is to recognize that all of it is a part of a larger process.
The drops, and our engagement with the iON situation, will activate and enhance things in us that will actually have an effect on our environment (either personally / locally, or in the world at large).
The drops are a part of a process that is bringing us, as iON says, into our full power. And part of this process is the union of us, with our greater us (or "us-es" plural).
You might be surprised to learn that by engaging this whole situation - as a whole - that circumstances in your life will actually change more to your liking. You will literally see your cares and concerns diminish.
It's important to know that you have created / manifested the experiences you're having, and you continue to do so; primarily, through speaking / vocalizing. This is the prime creative force. What you speak is.
There is more to it, as I've gathered, so to clean that up you should, yes, seek a private engagement with iON.
What engaging the iON situation / drops will do, however, is to start to clean things up in your life without you even really giving them attention. It happens quite by default.
Imagine the creative capabilities if this stuff is just happening by default. Imagine what you could do if you set your mind / mouth to it (OK, that know...I mean speaking).
This is not to say that it will happen exactly as you envision or hope, so go easy with it. But when these things start to happen, don't think twice about it - it's the drops / iON / ascension.
You might actually see people who gave you trouble, or whom could potentially give you trouble simply vanish before it's even an issue; or even if it's already an issue. It just happens.
It's different for everyone.
You might start coming into money, in some form, seemingly out of the blue. One person just started receiving checks from some organization. And I'm sure others can report similar experiences (either in the stock market, in gambling, etc. - remember, there are no rules).
Anything and everything is possible when you engage this situation. The possibilities and experiences are endless, but they will astound you.
Not everything that arises will be changes to your physicality. This will occur, but you should be paying attention to your entire personal environment and noting changes there as well.
Again, it is all connected / interrelated. If you focus too much on the physical, you might miss the wonders occurring around you.
In short, I advise you "get you some!"
As iON says, "Get happy! And if you're not happy, find out what makes you happy and get there." Well, I can say unequivocally, iON and the drops can "get you there".
"This message was paid for by no one, but supported by non-physical, who wants to get your ass in your seat of power."
June 14, 2011
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm making this entry because nothing unusual is happening.
More to the point, I don't "feel" anything unusual, and don't notice any symptoms save for one - the absence of any imbalance, or discomfort.
I feel "normal", which, after months on the drops, is something I haven't felt in a while.
I mentioned that, a couple of days ago, I'd felt this normalcy. I wasn't experiencing anything unusual or anomalous.
It wasn't until I experienced the absence of these things that I took notice...of their absence. haha
At the moment, I feel crystal clear in a way I don't think I've ever felt before. I would also say that I'm balanced (i.e., that there isn't a sense of imbalance, or discomfort).
It feels perfect, to tell you the truth.
I feel acutely balanced, which isn't a feeling at all. I would suggest we typically only notice imbalances rather than the state of being balanced.
Last week sometime, I wrote that my appetite had increased again. This was, for me, also an early symptom of the drops.
Well, it cropped up again.
Also, for the last three days or so, I've been getting hot flashes again. The hot flashes occurred right after I would take the drops (fourteen, twice a day).
All of that was up until this morning when, expecting the onset of the drops' symptoms about two hours after taking them, nothing happened. No rise in energy. No onset of bliss. No stretching or shifting. Nothing.
And that nothing is awesome. haha
I don't even feel the least bit caffeinated from the coffee I had this morning.
Adding to this, the weather yesterday and today has been unseasonably mild and clear. If I didn't know any better, I would think that I brought this weather on with my condition - that I created it.
iON has said that even the rocks / Earth cry out in response to our condition (less-than, or Godly).
We also know that, as Gods, we can create / manipulate the weather.
So, it isn't unreasonable to see that I likely brought this weather about. hehe
In any event, I had to share this. The experience I'm having today is completely new. I've not experienced anything like it on the drops thus far.
The feeling is just feeling like a calm, crystal clear lake. It's a higher form of clarity. It's odd not having the fogginess, or slight dopiness the drops can evoke at times.
I also can't say that the feeling is wonderful, because there's no feeling / sensation, per se. There's not even bliss at the moment, just clarity and an absence of discomfort, fogginess, that charged up / energetic feeling - anything.
What I can say is I'm perfectly happy to be in this state.
To make a Scientology joke, I've reached a State of Clear. haha And that was a joke.
It feels like freedom. Maybe freedom is simply not noticing / recognizing bondage, which also includes freedom from discomfort / displeasure, etc.
iON has said that, I believe I have this correct, it's possible to achieve or reach a state of ascension and not know it. In fact, iON made it sound like this would be the case for most.
Perhaps this noticing of an absence of contrast is similar, or sort of analogous to what iON meant. It's not necessarily that you don't "get it", or notice it, but it might be more by the absence of previous conditions than a pronounced new condition.
I should say that, whatever I've written on this website, and, especially, about the iON situation, should be followed up with the caveat(?), "nevermind".
Any observations, in particular, about what is happening here can easily be dismissed, for the most part, as it is a process.
iON shifts the meanings and context / reference points for the subject matter so much as to make it nearly impossible to plant your flag, so to speak, and consider something resolved; or to feel that you've come to a conclusion. There is no conclusion.
There are no rules, and any definition you provide at this moment for convenience sake will be obsolesced and overturned a moment later.
The moment you think you have something figured out, it gets obsolesced.
I get why this is happening. It's because it's a process of expansion and growth; and too many times we become fixed / anchored, limited, and obstruct our own growth when we hold too rigidly to our concepts.
The concepts are not the real thing. What we see isn't the real thing. The real thing is alive, fresh, shifting, expanding and growing.
Given this, a definition applied at this moment will not apply the next.
We have taken on these perspective and definitions, as a race, and they simply do not apply. We're learning exactly to what degree now.
Just because I'm putting things in writing - in this final, concrete form, does not mean that anything has been achieved.
Fortunately, all I confess and intend to do here, aside from offer my own insights on what is happening (with the caveat that it can all be dismissed), is to share my experiences.
In any event, apologies for the digression. Just expressing continued pleasure of these experiences and insights.
Back on point, I'm injoying (iON's spelling) hyper-clarity at the moment.
June 15, 2011
I had to jump on and share this again. It's Wednesday, June 15. Today is my second full day experiencing this clarity.
It's not like anything I've experienced before. Again, I'm not feeling any symptoms of the drops, nor am I feeling the effects of the caffeine from the coffee I had this morning.
What I am experiencing, again, is this preternatural clarity.
This is a novel experience. Matt does a good job of describing these "new" experiences in posts he's made at his site.
What's interesting about this experience is, not so much any particular sensation (save for the absence of any noticeable sensations), but it almost feels like there is a clear, easy and unobstructed access to some internal reservoir.
One doesn't feel a surge of energy, but there is a sense that there is an endless source should the need arise.
There is no sense of a lack of energy, or an abundance of it. Simply access to an endless supply.
We typically either feel a lack of energy, or an abundance of it. Rarely do we feel centered, balanced, and with a ready access to it.
When you "charge up", either with supplements, food, drugs or caffeine, there is a surge of energy you experience (typically, followed by a crash).
In this case, there is a sense that an endless stream of energy is available, without a charged up feeling. And, I know from past experience, the drops will charge you up without making you crash, or "come down".
Very interesting experience.
So, it seems I'll be enjoying this experience again today.
I will say that, yesterday, as I was enjoying this new place, I decided to have some tea. The tea actually diminished the experience and, sort of, reduced that clear feeling. It also made me feel a little heavier, for lack of a better term.
Also, I had a piece of pizza for lunch, something I typically enjoy, but it didn't taste that good, and upset my stomach.
These things make me wonder, despite my increased appetite, if I crave different foods at this point.
iON has said if you eat something and it tastes good "swaller it". haha If you eat it and it doesn't taste good, spit it out.
I wonder if, as we shift, our tastes / diet will also shift as we are inclined (or disinclined). Not necessarily to what might be considered "healthy" foods, but just different...
I've found that, although I've had an increase in appetite, my craving hasn't been for food. Hard to explain, but I would seriously rather do without eating.
At least, I've not had a taste for anything in particular lately. I've had some good Mexican food, but aside from that...
Needless to say, I won't be drinking tea today.
One drops user said they experimented going without eating one day and opted for just the drops. They said they really weren't craving food and felt really good.
I can definitely see our appetites changing - or, possibly, completely disappearing after some time on the drops...We'll see.
Another thing I noticed is, sometimes I'll look in my rearview mirror (hehe Bob joke there) to see if what I'm experiencing will be reflected in my face / eyes.
This morning, my eyes did seem to reflect this. There was a sort of very relaxed, but alert and unusual clarity in them.
What I saw is even hard to describe. Just a deep clarity not affected by any expression or emotion.
I'm happy to concede that I may be hallucinating that, but other users may notice the same thing.
On another note, I was experiencing more extreme body heat immediately after taking the drops over the last few days, but that has diminished.
I did feel a little of that this morning, but it was almost nonexistent.
It's actually amazing that one can have the whole spectrum of experiences I've had over the past three months on the drops.
Every time I have an novel or unusual experience, it's trumped by the next one. Clearly, this will continue.
Something I've wanted to mention earlier, as a side note, is that some people have been applying the drops to scars, wrinkles, or areas of the skin they wish to see cleared up / changed.
Matt does have a product called, "Allow" [UPDATE: 3/29/2013 This product may have some out as, "ReNew", a topical lotion] that is either out, or just about to come out that will serve this purpose, but until then, iON says you can apply the drops to the skin (especially, if you're almost done with your bottle) and this will address that area.
If you're using the drops, or you're contemplating it, you're in the second phase of a three phase process.
The first phase was to embrace / allow the experience of ascension (including the drops) to manifest for you. Now that you're engaging, or about to engage the drops, you've embraced the second phase.
The third phase is to embrace and allow the process of ascension; coming into your power; assuming your throne.
To assist with the third phase, or any phase or experience, I can't urge you enough to seek a private session with iON.
A woman, who I'll leave nameless (although, I'm not sure she cares, as she confessed this on Cash Flow haha), who was, as I understand it, a fundamentalist preacher, mentioned on a recent Cash Flow show her encounter with iON.
What this woman said was she went into her private session sold on "her" version of the bible being gospel.
She said she thought she was going to go into the session and experience an affirmation of everything she'd been preaching - and believed, and said she thought it would be like a homecoming.
What happened during that session was that, upon hearing iON's words, an unexpected reversal and overturning of everything she'd believed up to that point. She broke down.
What happened instead was the carpet had been pulled out from under her, and she broke down, thinking it had all been a lie.
She learned that it wasn't a lie, but the scriptures she'd memorized had to be clarified and set aright, which they were.
What she left with was, in fact, a homecoming, but not in the manner she had expected.
And she confessed on Cash Flow that her conversion, although difficult, was the most amazing and personally reaffirming experience she'd ever had.
Was she home? Yes. But not in the way she'd expected. And it won't be for you, should you decide to personally engage with iON.
What she did say was that if she, a fundamentalist Christian, can be completely changed by one interaction with iON, so can you.
I have been changed.
I realize that there's been a lot of crap on the Internet from contactees, disinformants, cooks, hoaxers, suspect channels, nut jobs, and the like, but I can tell you without any hesitation that what is happening here is unprecedented.
I will admit that iON has seemingly made predictions that haven't come to pass. I can't figure out, for the life of me, why these beings engage in predictions.
I know iON is something different. He/she/it is the genuine article. However, that predictive stuff sends me for a tail spin.
I partly suspect that it creates plausible deniability in folks who may hear of iON, but aren't ready to embrace it.
If iON makes a prediction that doesn't come to pass, it's almost like a safety mechanism (for us, and for J.W. and those closely involved with iON, who might be targeted if he became too big). This is speculation.
Otherwise, the prediction stuff may turn people off.
Aside from that, iON is blowing minds (and bank accounts haha).
I'm someone who was and is totally fed up with the channeled crap saturating the Internet.
I started listening to the archived Cash Flow shows with that understanding (about dime store channels) and disillusionment.
However, all of that easily went out the window. Not my skepticism regarding channeling, but my apprehension regarding the iON situation, specifically.
At this point, iON can predict, seemingly incorrectly, all he wants. Everything else that accompanies this situation, including the changes within me, are validation enough. If you require that...
iON needs a slogan..."Non-physical: Assisting gods one drop at a time!" It's a start...
"iON: If you don't ascend, we don't ascend!"
"The Drops: Lick 'em and they'll lick your less-than-ness!" hehe
So ends another entry.
My warmest wishes to you and yours.