March 27, 2011 - April 11, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011​
Actually, it's the morning of my 27th day on the drops. Took 6 drops about two hours ago and starting to feel awesome!
I wanted to say that I haven't confirmed - I'm not crystal clear on the fact - as to whether or not these drops are the Living Water, or the Bread of Life (or both). [UPDATE: 4/4/11 - I've recently learned that the drops are the Bread of Life and not the Living Water, which refers to something else.]
I realize that there are debated accounts of the manna from Heaven. And I think iON has said that this nurturing food literally did fall from the sky.
Bob Neveritt, however, has made reference to the "Bread of Living Water" on the Cash Flow shows, unwittingly combining the two terms, which iON has chuckled about, but has not, as far as I know, corrected him.
If you look at the image in my first article (far below) that shows the color and consistency of the drops, you might say it is a liquid that is the color of bread, so a mixture seems appropriate.
Here is a passage on the manna / bread from ​,
Christ uses the manna as the type and symbol of the Eucharistic food, which is true "bread from heaven", and "bread of life", i.e., life-giving bread, in a far higher sense than the manna of old (John 6).​
St. Paul in calling the manna "spiritual food" [Emphasis added] (1 Corinthians 10:3), alludes to its symbolical significance with regard to the Eucharist as much as to its miraculous character. Hence the manna has always been a common Eucharistic symbol in Christian art and liturgy.​
In Apocalypse 2:17, the manna stands as the symbol of the happiness of heaven." [Emphasis added]
The above statements, when considering the source of the drops, iON / non-physical, who has stated that it is he / she who "knocks" that we shall "invite him to sup with us", and given the purpose / effects of the drops, seem to accurately represent what the drops really are; namely, spiritual sustenance (without putting too fine a point on it).​
I also found further passages on the "bread" from,
"...lets stop and look at this last sentence. 'Give us each day our daily bread.' Jesus' Hebrew disciples understood the significance of this statement on two levels, from history and from personal experience.​
They knew that nearly 1,500 years earlier in the history of the Jewish nation, God had literally supplied their forefathers with bread from heaven on a daily basis. This was recorded in what they had for a Bible, (what we would refer to as the Old Testament).
They also knew that this bread from heaven, called manna, was no ordinary bread. It was recorded that this bread tasted like it was made with honey. In other words it was special, it was "Sweet Bread".
Jesus' disciples had also already seen Him feed thousands of people with just a few loaves of bread, on more than one occasion, along with many, many other miracles. Blind people had received their sight, sick people had been healed, dead people had been raised and sinners had been set free from the bondage of sin, just to name a few. [Note the miraculous healing qualities of the bread.]
They understood that the "daily bread" He was talking about, was more than just food for the stomach. No doubt they were familiar with verses from the Old Testament that showed this. Like;
Psalm 34:8, "Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.
Psalm 63:5, "My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods, with singing lips my mouth will praise Him."
Isaiah 55:1-3, "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come buy wine and milk without money and without cost.​
Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live."
Exodus 16 tells us that the Lord sent the manna from heaven every morning, (except on the Sabbath).
The people were then responsible for going out and collecting what the Lord had provided for them each day, it could not be saved up, (except for the day before the Sabbath). It took some daily effort on their part, but this interaction is what sustained them.
iON has referred to the Exodus passage above; that the manna fell from the sky, but couldn't be hoarded, or stored - it would spoil. The drops must also be refrigerated or they too will spoil.​
It's also interesting that, according to the book of Exodus, manna was the color of Coriander seed (see below). Very similar to the brownish color of the drops.
We like to oversimplify things, and attempting to categorize or come to a conclusion regarding the drops would be presumptuous at the very least, given how little we truly understand of the bible, and the nature of what is really happening.​
That being said, we can say what the drops are doing, both from what iON has shared, as well as what users have shared. For now, this should be sufficient. It's an exploration; a journey.
Rest assured that when we come to answers to some of our questions, other questions will spring forth eternally; so, why not enjoy the ride?
In classic Eastern Mysticism, this negation is also how we come to learn who and what we are. Whatever you see and experience, you are "not that" (iON says what we can see is not real, and what we can't see is real).
It is a peeling of the layers of belief and experience, accumulated over a lifetime of incorrect associations, that we come to learn who and what we are.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Captain's log: Stardate 2011.4.7. Why haven't I updated in ten days? Well, speaking from a practical point of view, I had originally intended to update only when something significant occurred; meaning either I, or someone else recognized something unusual, or abnormal (more than usual) about me (as a result of my using the drops).
What I probably didn't realize was that, under the surface, something significant really was happening, but it was too subtle for me to initially recognize. More on that later...
I am hearing stories that really should be shared at the RnA Drops Official Blog​ [UPDATE: 3/29/2013 - The RnA Blog hasn't been updated since early 2011]. I'm not sure if these folks would appreciate me sharing elements of their experiences, but I think it's OK to share some things without naming names (which I don't have anyway).​
The most interesting thus far are anecdotes from folks visiting medical facilities for one reason or another. I've heard about a couple of routine medical tests resulting in all sorts of absolutely anomalous results. Some experiences have been startling for the medical staff, as well as the drops user visiting the facility.
These anomalies include dental x-rays showing years' of wear and tear vanishing in a matter of months and the patient's teeth and gums returning to a pristine state (this pristine state, iON has said, was our condition pre-Fall, and is that state the drops are assisting in bringing us back to. We will all return to that state anyway, but the drops are an example of this process).
The drops users' blood, as well, if you're having blood work done, can take on a different appearance. Some have said their blood was shown to have a sparkly or shiny appearance.
An additional little side note, I believe Bob mentioned on the last Cash Flow (3/30?) that his "specific gravity" has changed. haha I laughed when he said, "What other product can claim to change your specific gravity?"
iON said that when Bob is in the water, he will bob / float differently because of it. Is that a mutant / X-men ability you'd like to have? Not sure how it would work. hahaha Can you defeat an enemy by floating menacingly? I digress...
I do know this is a personal journey, and the experiences can be startling for those having them, but these experiences may validate the drops for those considering engaging the them.
This goes to why I'm sharing my experiences here in the first place, which is, regarding this blog specifically, to share the significance of the drops as regards the larger picture, and to encourage those curious or interested to try them.
The drops are a part of a massive process. They are a big part of this process, and in engaging (using iON's term) the drops you are engaging a whole lot more; more than most of us using the drops even realize as regards what's happening.
So what have my own experiences been over the past ten days? Well, as of March 27 or 28, I decided to increase my dosage by a drop per day over three days or so (I believe I was at seven drops around March 26 / 27) until I hit ten, and then to remain at ten going forward.
I think I had some sinus issues each time I went up a drop. Just noting that, although I can't be sure. I was on ten drops for a couple of days, and then had three days in a row of bliss. That was surprising, because until then the experience had been periodic. Certainly, I hadn't had two days in a row.
I wanted to add that when I hit ten drops my voracious appetite returned. It’s been this way since about March 31st when I went to ten drops.
I’ve been extremely hungry a lot. I’m snacking between meals. haha I don’t know if that was due to increasing each time, which happened rapidly over two to three days, or if it was when I hit ten.
Another thing about these "bliss" experiences is that they become deeper, more profound, and more prolonged. The result can leave one feeling, as you vacillate in and out of this experience, as if you're slipping between realities. This is the sort of "odd" feeling I've mentioned before.
The early bliss experiences are great, and they allow an easy transition, or assimilation of the experience of the drops. I also believe, as iON has said, that the ReAline tablets make this back and forth smoother.
As time goes on, this bliss experience grows / increases; but as (by that point) one has become more acclimated to it, the easier it is to weather (the back and forth, that is). But make no mistake, this will be a novel experience.
Now, having said that, there are in fact some folks on the drops who have said they don't feel a thing. I'm not sure what to say to that, except to suggest that you vary the dosage (either up or down) and experiment.
At some point, these folks are going to have the bliss (or other) experience (sooner rather than later) and they will know what this all about. Anyone taking the drops should know that you are in fact changing / transforming your physicality.
Even if you don't feel it, the few medical examples, and Matt Hurtado's own experiences attest to this. The drops aren't something that work for some and not others. As far as I know, if you've come to know about the drops, you're already "there".
And if you're taking the drops, forget about it, you're on the path and there's no turning back. It's a good thing.
At the same time, I've been more deeply engaging the iON material; something I recommend all do for a fuller understanding of why they've encountered the drops in the first place.
I believe most people are here because they've learned of the drops through the iON material / broadcasts, but if you haven't, it is essential to understanding what is happening.
The drops were not brought forth simply to provide a health supplement. This is part of a much larger, ancient (in a manner of speaking) and profound process of transformation.
What is rapidly being made available now is all manner of tools and information for the early birds to start engaging their own personal transformation.
It's pretty amazing.
That being said, I realize that all of this must contend with what iON calls the "Labyrinth of our mind"; meaning, simply our belief structures.
We have these (belief) "structures", imaginary as they are, constructed (by us) in our minds that force certain experiences or information to either be blocked, or to find another way into our experience or knowing of them. If that makes sense...
I've clearly come upon one of these barriers at certain points when engaging the iON material. That barrier is a thought or concept that arises that you can actually see as your mind "putting its foot down", or throwing a wall up. It's a mechanism of the labyrinth that can appear when certain information challenges what you believe, or think you know.
It's at that time that iON would say not to throw all of the information out, but to just "be easy with it"; to "sit with it" and let it be. You can address it later.
There is an element of knowing and faith one needs when engaging all of this material; a sort of letting go, clearing your mind and allowing new information into your inner realm. It is all connected, iON, the drops, what is happening on the planet, all of it.
Not to get off on what may seem like a tangent, but the more I engage with all of this, the more I see it is all inextricably connected.
I should mention that, another aspect of engaging the drops and the iON material is that some sort of a peace and quietude arises. Bob Neveritt has described it as like being a gong being struck. When you engage with the iON material, and the drops, and the further you go, the more there is this feeling, deep down, of a resonance happening.
Using Bob's gong analogy, it's like being struck like a tuning fork and buzzing at that frequency. The participant ends up feeling this sort of buzz, for lack of a better term. The result is, ultimately, on a deeper level, a complete shift to our being; and our position regarding our environment.
I'm mentioning this, because it's a big part of the reason I haven't updated in ten days.
Something has shifted inside of me to the point that, and this has been discussed by Bob and iON, there is a tendency for those coming into this to sort of become quiet and withdraw; not in a bad way, but (and this doesn't apply to Bob, who just keeps going and going and going) in a way that one's thoughts / thinking almost cease.
In addition to this reduction in the mental mania we all engage in, there is this, at times, intense feeling of being the gong; of feeling one has been struck dumb and just reverberates in this absolutely imperturbably blissful state. Being in this condition is just being happy doing nothing. haha It's the best way I can put it.
The experience is warm, deep, complete and profound. It is so different, however, that it might be disconcerting to the person experiencing it.
To me, as unusual as this experience may be, and I know others have found their experiences "unpleasant", one must - must understand what is happening.
The drops are no joke. And the process that is unfolding now is no joke. I'm thinking of Revelations (which iON and Bob have translated HERE and ​HERE​), specifically, ​Revelation 3:16​: "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."​
This means that you cannot sit on the fence about this process. You can either refuse to go with the process, or acknowledge, accept and enjoy an active engagement with the process; but there is no lukewarm.
This is your clarion call. And this call is being made by you to you. If you're looking at the world around you and see things are changing - that much is happening, take heed. What is being communicated is the time is now.
The drops are a glorious way to begin an engagement with your more powerful self. And I realize how corny that may sound having said it, but it is the truth.
I am obligated, if I speak about / share this, to highlight these things and connect them all together, as is Bob and everyone else further engaged in this who choose to speak about it.
It's funny, because I've reflected on my own sort of withdrawal, and here's Bob engaged in all sorts of social activity, and engaging a sort of media blitz. The guy never stops. haha
I'm still learning about, or feeling out my role as a sort of documentarian on these subjects. The more I learn about what is happening, the more reflective I become.
We are all in the final stages of a process iON refers to as ascension, but also refers to as our return to our preexisting condition of Godship: omnipotence, omniscience and all of the qualities we once attributed to some source outside of ourselves.
What I understand is that all seven billion of us are "lighting up" at our own pace. This is, in fact, an individual journey. And no one outside of yourself should be judged by or against you. This is your journey.
Part and parcel of what makes this easier for you is to recognize and manage old mental habits. You hold the keys to your own power, not any other being in the universe.
I wanted to make an entry, and I couldn't just make this an entry, and continue simply making entries about the "seemingly" miraculous effects the drops were having. The drops work, but there is a larger framework - a supplemental, that needs be included.
Still feeling my way through this whole process. iON has said that as each of us gets to the point of this ascension - and we will know it - we will be in a place to watch and enjoy others coming into that space.
I assume that I will continue adding to the drops blog, and writing articles about everything that's happening until then, but can only speculate as to my perspective once I'm there.
So, in the interim, I'll keep it real, and I'll keep it here. It's all "wacky" to use a term I believe Bob has used. Really, really wacky.
Monday, April 11, 2011
I'm at about six weeks on the drops. As of March 31 or so, I went right up to ten drops (the next dosage generally prescribed once you've been on the drops for two to three weeks), progressing from seven to ten over a period of three days.
I didn't learn until yesterday, listening to the April 6 Cash Flow Show, that it was suggested you remain on each dosage for a week before increasing. Now, this wasn't the rule for everyone necessarily, but, per iON in the context of the conversation, it was for those wishing to see / feel the effects of the drops more readily...The issue wasn't pursued too much, so that's about all I have on that.​
I know, however, that this is essentially how I started out (one week at a time); and that may be why I was experiencing things that others may not have experienced (yet)...After I started putting the drops under my tongue of course...I digress.
Since I started the drops, I've experienced sometimes prolonged (all day) experiences of bliss. This past week, I experienced three days in a row of this and it was phenomenal. For this experience alone, I would say the drops are worth it, but, again, we're talking about something much greater than just feeling good.
My experience, nevertheless, has been an increase in the frequency of these blissful experiences.
Also, I think I'm done with supplements. I've taken about a half a dozen supplements, such as Spirulina, Chlorella, St. John's Wort, Gingko, and various superfood powders, but I've stopped using most of them. I'm done.
I used to feel the effects of the supplements (mood, energy, etc.), but the experience of the drops has superseded all of them. Completely. It's actually pretty cool.
The last holdout is coffee, a habit I picked up about five years ago. I ran into a "coffee crowd" and it just became routine. I only drink coffee in the morning, and it still offers somewhat of a caffeine boost, but it really is more a habit now. The drops are actually overtaking the caffeine.
I believe the drops address every and any issue you may have (lethargy, foggy headedness, mood imbalances, etc.). This is not to say it is a replacement for legitimate health care, but, for example, supplements become superfluous.
I was excited to learn (if one can get excited about such things) that the sinus issues I'd had have been shared by other users. It is a form of detox and it can come on fairly heavy. Not bad, but you'll wake up one morning with what seems like a heavy allergic reaction. I had mornings when I increased the dosage by a drop, and specifically when I increased the dosage, that my sinuses acted up.
I was also happy to learn that the "odd" feeling I was having, that I've described as feeling like a rubber band being stretched at times, of feeling like one was vacillating between one reality and another (in bliss, out of bliss, etc.), was also being shared by other users.
What iON has said about this, putting it in layman's terms (an understatement, I'm sure) is that this is the battle between "little man" and "God / ascended man".
In simple terms, our physiology is shifting / changing and the experience of this can elicit some apprehension and / or confusion. It is a novel (odd) experience. I've heard it described as feeling as though one were in "limbo". It's a transitory state, but "different", and this experience some call unpleasant.
Again, the rubber band analogy applies. It should be stated that unpleasant here merely refers to the experience of having periods of bliss, and alternating between that and a state that's still "pretty good", but not as blissful.
When you start, you may be thinking nothing's happening, then, you'll just have this "Whoa!" experience - "This is cool!" After some of that, you'll go back to what you think was your normal / default state and this vacillation might be what iON calls "contrast"; a mildly unpleasant state, attributed more to the novelty of the experience, and not remaining in one constant experience than anything else.
It's growth / shifting, and if you can bear that in mind you can relax and go with it. There isn't anything really unpleasant about it unless you push against the shifting and growth that your body is undergoing.
When you start thinking too much about it, and if you're not "OK" with it, you might call that unpleasant. Matt Hurtado, the seller of the drops, has also (with iON's guidance) offered a supplemental product to the drops called "ReAline​". This is said to mitigate what some might consider the more unpleasant ("contrasty") effects of the drops.​
I realize I sound like I'm running an advert here, but if you've ever heard of me or my site before, you would know that never in the three years or so it's been up have I ever placed a single ad or banner on my site.
My sincere intent throughout this entire process of documenting my own and others' experiences has been to create a resource for what was happening, period. That's it.
So, it is my hope that this is perfectly clear - these drops are a part of our shift into a completely new reality. And this shift is predicated on shifting this body, right here right now.
What I've learned is that everything we've been hearing about this great shift / ascension is real. Not only that, we are also able to remain here, on the planet, during and after this shift completely unharmed - if we choose to do so.
iON has said that many, many people will choose not to remain here during this shift, but they will return and join the ascended, those who decided to remain, and enjoy Heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven; all will be ascended. But it will end on Earth; Eden.
But we must "choose". Engaging these drops is saying "Yes!" to this shift and to immediately, personally engage this shift. Now. Not a lot is being shared by iON on these drops, but what he has offered so far has been biblical references; and those using the drops, their own testimonies.
After six weeks on the drops, I can say without hesitation that they are the most unique "whatever they are" that I've ever taken. What I also must encourage is an interaction with iON. The information you are seeking is there, whether listening to Cash Flow, or engaging iON in a session / phone call.
One thing that is undeniable is that, during my own reading, nothing Earth shattering was said. However, there was a jubilant / buoyant feeling that arose that I had to stop and comment on. In fact, and this was shared during the April 6 Cash Flow show, iON actually had a session with a caller where the entire hour was spent in silence.
iON said he'd told Bob that that particular session would come, and it did. I am not surprised.
A sidebar, it should be said that the individual who iON comes through, J.W., has stated that he "doesn't have a dog in the fight". If no one comes into this information, that's fine with him. It is up to each individual to decide whether or not, and how much, to engage with all of this. But I can tell you it is all legit.
If you aren't aware who iON is, I've written an ​article here​, and you can visit and for more on iON.​
J.W. has also stated to Bob, per Bob, that when it stops being fun, he's done. There isn't a big to-do being made over this by J.W., and it is a singular position given all of the mediums' / channelers' positions of late.
Because of this, I would really encourage you to follow through if you're interested.
It should also be noted that Bob Neveritt and Carolyn Dean, the two who first brought iON forth, are also - despite broadcasting this on the Cash Flow show - encouraging you, the reader / listener, to take action only "If you feel you would like to do so".
They are approaching this whole thing with a very, almost nonchalant attitude. So much so that it almost threatens to undermine the exposure they really would like to give iON - I said almost. haha They've already captured the attention of every government and authority on the planet, so people are listening.
I understand Bob's excitement, and genuineness in sharing what is happening. Like Bob, I've felt obligated to do so as well. You can't care for your fellow man and not.
Still, the whole revelation has been very, sort of understated. This is sort of an example of the notion that Christianity promises everything and delivers nothing, while Buddhism promises nothing and delivers everything.
iON (and Bob and Carolyn) says everything that happens is up to you. He'll throw you a bone, depending on how sincere you are in your pursuit, but (at least on the surface) not much more.
The truth is, your encounter / engagement with iON, even just listening to the radio broadcasts, will begin to shift your reality under the surface. When you start to notice this, you become curious...Enticed. And your pursuit offers more reward...And more and more. I promise.
Regarding the drops, another thing iON has stated is that the drops start working immediately. And when that starts happening, your baseline goes out the window. Someone called in the Cash Flow show (4/6/11), said they were using the drops (seven days or so?), but that they didn't feel any different.
What iON responded with was that they are trying to compare their current state with a state they think they knew they had before. In other words, once you get on the drops, your experience has changed that moment; and not only your experience, but your perception of what your experience was before, if that makes sense.
What iON is basically saying is that your condition has changed, but you aren't aware of that change. Your baseline has moved.
An analogy of sorts can be found in a statement made by David Wilcock about, I believe, the expansion of the Earth (of our reality).
What Wilcock said was that there was a growth / expansion occurring that one couldn't notice if one measured it, because the tape measure or yardstick we would use to take the measurement was also growing / expanding.
What iON offers as a way to validate changes for ourselves is to stand in front of a mirror before taking the drops, take a photo of ourselves (with or without clothes), and then to take another photo after a month or two on the drops. This is what iON told me.
I took a couple of photos at the end of February before I received the drops. As I'm almost a month and a half on the drops, I intend to take a couple more photos any day now for comparison. I will share any differences I see.
The bottom line is, the entire phenomenon of iON, including the drops and the biblical Revelations revealed series is part of a process brought forth in response to those wishing to bring their engagement of this shift to the next level.
The timing of all of this cannot be overstated. As iON has said, after the Blood Moon of December 2010, the train has left the station. And further, that this is the Jubilee Year. Per a recent comment from Bob, I believe he suggested that 2011 is the year we expected the events of 2012 to occur.
So, no time like the present - really, there is not time but the present. Engage!