March 12, 2011 - March 26, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011​​
I think I hit my ideal dose (for now) on the 5 drops. It's only been a couple of hours since I took them this morning, but I already feel that great sense of buoyancy.
It might also be that I'm almost two weeks in, but the potency of the drops is a done deal as far as I'm concerned.
I take the drops twice a day, as prescribed. iON said on the March 9 Cash Flow show that some people have trouble sleeping if they take these right before bedtime, while others sleep like a baby. I'm one of the latter.
The drops, basically, generate this deep, blissful feeling. They mellow you out in a way that is hard to describe, but you feel it deep inside. This sense of deep, imperturbable relaxation just arises.
And the great thing about it is, your thinking / faculties aren't diminished in the least. Also, and this is hard to articulate, but there is something of a relaxed playfulness that spontaneously arises...
My words (and manner) have become more fluid and...playful, for lack of a better term. It's funny, but there are times when I'm in conversation and I'll make some funny comment without realizing it, or thinking about it beforehand.
It's in my nature to interject humor, but I'm being playful without being as deliberate...Without any forethought, if that makes sense. The comment will just come out, and it can surprise me in how little I was involved in the cognition process. haha
Perhaps the interaction with iON - listening to, and reading iON's words, coupled with the drops - whatever it is, is allowing our being a more direct interaction with our environment, if that makes sense.
It is true that all we need do to facilitate this process of being in our complete abilities / power is to get out of our own way; there is something to the notion of disconnecting from the over-intellectualization (what iON calls the labyrinth of our mind) of our lives; in letting our true selves shine through, unobstructed.
We may be, as I have been in these moments, surprised by who and what we really are. I see this space of spontaneous expression as the space from which we will operate more and more from as we come into our power.
Hope that was clear...Difficult to put into words...
Be back soon...
Side note on the drops: In this past Wednesday's (3/9/11) broadcast of the Cash Flow show (in Part 3), Bob Neveritt explains that both the television show Fringe, and the show The Event feature RNA drops. You'll have to listen to find out where.
In one of these shows, after taking the RNA drops, one of the characters becomes 50 years younger. Bob has talked about this in previous shows as well.
It should also be mentioned that Bob Neveritt (and iON) have said that the Walter Bishop character in Fringe was modeled after Bob Neveritt.
The similarity between Bob Neveritt (below, right) and John Noble (below, left), the actor who plays Walter Bishop in Fringe, is remarkable to say the least.
Not only that, these shows are taking information being shared by Bob, iON and incorporating it into these programs.​
The RNA drops are one example of a subject borrowed by these shows. There are also plot lines taken from the material Bob and iON have been sharing, some of which will appear in a show a week later.
How crazy is it that something portrayed as what we would consider science fiction - something as amazing as the drops, are in fact real? Truth is, in fact, stranger than fiction.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Dropping in (Yes, I labored hours on that pun) to make a brief entry. I've been doing 5 drops, twice daily since last Friday. It was, coincidentally, the same day / time frame that I was experiencing cold symptoms.
Those symptoms have since left, more or less, and I have been enjoying more frequent episodes of the bliss-like feeling on the drops, but I also believe the 5 drops may be too much at the moment.
Originally, I was thinking it was fine, but I've been feeling "odd". It may be that I kicked it (the drops) in gear the same time I contracted this cold and my system took a hit.
My increased appetite has diminished, to the point that I'm only marginally hungry at meal times. It's a new condition, and I'm not sure, at the moment, what to attribute it to.
Since Friday, I've been feeling some intense physical symptoms. The reason I say they're odd, is that it's like I'm both charged up, but feeling this very profound mellowness. It's a feeling like you're running in a high gear, and you're not shifting to the next gear.
Some light headaches have accompanied this, and a general feeling of discomfort, for lack of a better term...It also, at times, feels like there's a sort of pressure on my head...Just to the point of annoyance.
These odd feelings / discomfort have made me irritable the last few days, so I'm looking forward to this passing.
iON has said that if the experience becomes too intense, that's a good sign to ease back a little. I know, however, that even at lower doses this sort of discomfort, or variations of it, are unavoidable.
I feel this may apply, but in my reading iON said that you may want to kick it into high gear and you're off to the races. However, at times, it can be a white knuckle flight, so it's okay to ease off a little; and then, when you're good again, kick it up again. It's up to you.
Some folks will be sailing along beautifully, and then get to this stage / phase where they'll experience discomfort. It's been a week of this, less so lately, but I know it's always forward movement. It's always forward movement.
Our systems have been operating at a very low level for a long time, and this is making radical changes to us, so it's to be expected.
I may or may not ease back to 4 drops. Want to see how the next couple of days go, as the intensity has already began to diminish...
It's funny, but even when there's this discomfort, there is this abiding feeling of bliss...A spoon full of sugar, they say. haha
UPDATE: Early morning, Thursday, March 17: Well, it seems I have been simultaneously fighting off a cold this past week, and possibly suffering from allergies. I believe the light headaches are a combination of sinus congestion (due to this cold), and allergies.
The "odd" feeling is likely due to my body fighting off this cold, mixed with the effects of the supplements I'm taking and the drops.
What is interesting is that this cold has wiped people out, and I've been performing (headaches and last night's sinus issues aside) as if I weren't sick at all.
I think the drops have kept me operating terrifically despite this. Again, because there are people near me who have had this cold, I hesitate to chalk these up to detox symptoms perhaps brought on by the drops.
In any event, I'm sticking with the 5 drops dose. Why the hell not?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I had to jump in to post that, although experiencing the sinus symptoms of a receding cold, or springtime allergies, I feel absolutely awesome today.
Experiencing the full being bliss I felt that first Wednesday.​
There is the slightest sense of minor sinus symptoms, which makes me think it’s my body fighting a cold (a detoxing of sorts), or a mitigated form of allergic reaction.​
Either way, this is why I got the drops!​
UPDATE: Later that same day (7:00pm)...The blissful feeling lasted all day, and at a sustained intensity. Awesome!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I'm posting today, primarily to draw attention to references to the RNA Drops Bob Neveritt has pointed out in both the Fringe, as well as The Event television series.
I showed in a previous post that the Walter Bishop character from Fringe is in no small way similar in appearance to Bob Neveritt.
In addition to this similarity, the aforementioned television shows, primarily Fringe, have taken subject matter straight from the ​Cash Flow shows (i.e., iON's novel subject matter), and have scripted this into the episodes.​
Not the least of which are the RNA Drops. In my friend Renato's personal accounts, the drops were a milky color. These drops, when ingested, caused the imbiber to become healthy, improve their physique and could age-reverse the person taking them.
The drops that Matt is selling, what iON has referred to as the original "Bread of Life and / or Living Water" [UPDATE: 3/29/2013 - Although the RnA Drops contain the elements also contained in the Bread of Life / Living Water, iON has said that the true Bread of Life / Living Water hasn't been released, yet. We are supposed to ingest the RnA Drops first, to prepare our bodies to be able to handle the true Living Water / Bread of Life], can be considered the source of the Communion ritual.
So, what's interesting, is that Fringe, on November 18, 2010, and The Event, on November 29, 2010 (only 11 days later) aired episodes that had to do with a serum / liquid that, when ingested, reverse-aged, or miraculously advanced the age of the imbiber.
Not only is the representation of a version of the drops interesting, but the timing of these episodes is as well.
The images (immediately below), from the Fringe episode entitled, "​The Abducted", (Nov. 18, 2010 - ​Watch HERE​), show an elderly man, holding a vial with a minute amount of a milky substance.
What's even more interesting is that the man who uses this liquid actually does so in a sort of ritualistic way, making references to God and reciting some religious passage.​
The bottom image (above) is the same man, later in the episode, obviously around 30 - 40 years younger. The only unfortunate part of this is that the drops were incorporated into the story as a sinister element.
At one point during the scene the first two images are taken from, he also holds his hands together in a way that is very similar to representations of the Living Water.
John 4:10: "Jesus answered her, 'If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.'"​
John 4:14: "...but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
Revelation 7:17: "For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
Revelation 21:6: "He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life."
John 6:47-51: "The advantage of the manna was small, it only referred to this life; but the living Bread is so excellent, that the man who feedeth on it shall never die. This bread is Christ's human nature, which he took to present to the Father, as a sacrifice for the sins of the world; to purchase all things pertaining to life and godliness, for sinners of every nation, who repent and believe in him."
The image below is taken from the television series, The Event, from an episode entitled, "​Everything Will Change" (Nov. 29, 2010 - Watch HERE).
In the above episode, the serum is injected into the man pictured, and he advances in age in minutes by 40 - 50 years or so. Again, an unpleasant portrayal, but intended for dramatic effect.​
Bob Neveritt (and iON) have said that these shows, especially Fringe, are borrowing from their material / subject matter. So, it shouldn't take much, with the interesting timing, to see that the drops were no less similarly plagiarized.
Despite the unpleasant portrayals, I consider these episodes just more advertising for the drops...For iON, and for ascension...
UPDATE! Sunday, March 20, 2011. Thank you to Margarita who provided this lead.
Here is the smoking gun (images below). These screen captures are from an episode of The Event entitled, "​​For the Good of Our Country" (Season 1, Episode 8, November 15, 2010 - Watch HERE).​
This episode is released before, but around the exact same time as the other two episodes I list above.
Here we have the James Dempsey character (played by actor, Hal Holbrook) at the very end of this episode (around the 41 minute mark if you're watching online) taking a dropper of a milky or translucent liquid and clearly placing it under - not onto his tongue.​
Moments later, we see him reflected in the mirror miraculously reverse age by about 40 - 50 years.
So, the timeline is, the "the drops" debuted on The Event on November 15, 2010. Three days later, on November 18, 2010, a similar version, with religious overtones, appears on Fringe (shown further above).
And, again, on The Event, only two episodes after their "drops" episode, they use a miraculous age advancement serum.
I will admit that without this latest addition, the connection is more tenuous, but as the similarities stack up, it becomes easier to make a case (for those unfamiliar with iON / Bob / The RnA Drops).
Pretty stunning evidence...Of course, we already knew, so no evidence necessary...
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Well, it would seem the earlier detox (seemingly, sickness related) symptoms I experienced earlier on may have been attributed (at least in part) to the drops.
The drops are elevating your body's frequency, in a sense, as they allow your RNA / DNA to create perfect cells. Whatever's happening, I guess it will be expected to experience these sorts of detox symptoms.
I say this, because as of this past Tuesday or Wednesday (March 22 / 23) I increased my dosage from 5 to 6 drops (twice daily). Almost immediately pursuant to that, I began feeling "out of sorts", big time, and this was accompanied by some sinus issues.
I kicked it up a notch and could really feel it. My goal is to remain on the 6 drops until I level off, then to increase the dosage and continue in like manner until I reach 10 drops.
Something that's also happened, which I forgot to mention, is that at the time I went up to 5 drops, my increased appetite actually just vanished.
There may have been an introductory period where my body desired more nutrients to get to a certain state, but these bouts of extreme hunger are gone. Now, I'm not even really hungry for regular meals...Go figure...
The idea here, ultimately, at least for me, is to forge ahead and increase my frequency on a progression that is just enough for me to withstand. I'm not in a race, but I also have an agenda.
I've been doing 6 drops, twice a day since last week. I will say that, at the moment, this amount does cause a shortness of breath, and a maintained level of energy.
I understand how this might keep people up, but it hasn't kept me up - at all. The latest I've been taking the afternoon drops has been 5:30pm or so, hours before I go to sleep.
So, what are the drops doing? Well, the experience on the drops, the physical sensations, are definitely blissful sensations; very deep and profound experiences of this.
At the same time, there can be shortness of breath, a consistent level of energy and, at times, just an odd sort of overall feeling. Also, especially in my case, there can be the taste or smell of Peanut Butter, or other foods.
Deep down, however, what else are the drops doing? Well, iON has said that the drops are bringing an energy / frequency to the body (which, like everything, is based on this).
The drops are, in a sense, bringing the frequency of the body up, and as this shift occurs, this can bring the symptoms of detoxification.
As we (the folks following Bob and iON) are still figuring all of this out, it still isn't totally clear what the drops are, or what they're meant for.
It hasn't been until the last two or three episodes of Cash Flow (shows also found ​HERE) that people have pressed iON for answers.​
iON will answer, but the responses only go so far. We are left, probably deliberately, to answer many questions ourselves. Actually, iON has stated that it depends on the user. Everyone will have different experiences.​
It's our experience, and our return to our full power and remembrance. The journey is also one of personal discovery. An answer for one may not be an answer for another.
Part of what we're learning (or remembering, per iON) with iON's help, is that this isn't a fixed landscape; and there is no ultimate truth, or concrete reality.
We are entering somewhat foreign territory. And yet, it is a territory, ultimately, of our own making.
For iON to respond at length and with specifics, although he may do this on certain subjects, is for iON to supersede or intervene in our own creative process / exploration.
iON's response to questions is often, "It's up to you human creators". I don't know how fully this has been grasped. It seems like a cop-out to many, but really see what that means and you might be less pressed to chase after iON for answers.
One thing is written in stone, and is so, per iON, through our own doing. What this one thing is, is our return to Eden; our full power / Godhood; our ascension. How and with what timing this plays out for each and every one of us is according to our own desires and creation.
As there are about 7 billion people on this planet, we can expect about 7 billion different versions of ascension unfolding / playing out. Regardless of "how" it plays out, the unavoidable fact is that it "will" play out - for everyone.
Again, I did ask iON if there would be a global or worldwide event that would happen very quickly, and affect everyone and he said yes. Of course, I am reluctant to write that, as I hadn't really pressed and probed the issue at length, but will post it, so people understand that something is right around the corner (we're talking months).
The ascension process is now. The folks seeing the flashes of light in the sky; who are seeing energy or beings; those who are missing time; those seeing ufos (or planes hovering in the sky hehe); hearing odd noises in the sky, or where they don't belong; who are channeling beings when they never had access to those abilities before just recently - all of it is the ascension settling on / coming over each and every person on the planet.
Part of what the drops are doing is preparing folks for these sorts of experiences / increases in frequency, and assisting in making this transition more comfortable.
But as iON has said, if you live on the other side of the world, fear not, you have just as much "non-physical" (iON) over there as you we have in the drops (and ourselves).
And iON / non-physical has said, if you've been following or listening to iON, that all one needs to do is to simply allow / not push against this shifting / transformation and all will be well.
The experiences, both with our bodies (physical / emotional selves), as well as in the "Outer Kingdom", the world at large, will cause many, many people to want to transition.
iON has encouraged me (in my session) to listen to his exegesis of the ​biblical Revelations (it is the return of the Christ energy / essence to each and every one of us, not the physical being), because his analysis spells out what is happening now, why it is happening, and what will happen.​
iON calls all of this a "madness" of sorts; and one can see how current events (mainstream or otherwise) can create this sort of atmosphere of madness.
If one can relax and see all of this from a greater (positive) perspective - especially, to have the benefit of iON's analysis, one will be able to weather events much more easily.
I understand that iON "needed" to get his analysis of Revelations out before the Blood Moon. Why? Because after the Blood Moon of December 2010, and what iON calls the biblical "Four winds" began blowing, our entree into the "time of great change" has officially begun.​
iON has cited the biblical passage(s) that refers to the "time of perpetual change", or something to this effect. The hardest thing for many to handle will be this perpetual change​. Unlike anything we've ever experienced.​
If you can flow with changes to your environment, and body, if you can remain sure footed / grounded amidst all of this, then you are likely fare much better. Many people can't handle a change of job, let alone the much greater changes coming.​
The way back is sealed. As iON has recently said, as of the Blood Moon / Four winds, the train has officially left the station. So you better decide which side of ascension you want to be on.
iON has said, this is no longer a time for fence sitters; and for those who do, they'll find themselves suddenly "testicularly challenged" (chafed, for sure).
This is no joke. What is happening is real, and as iON recited from the first 3 (free) chapters of the Revelations of John, this is not a time to be lukewarm. You must choose to be hot or cold, but not in-between.
To me, it seems like I've said this before - because I have. This is has come up so much in my research into this, and the "madness" is also one of the things that my friend Renato saw happening in his visions / experiences of the future.
But again, going back to the drops, I still am not clear on what they are. We take a lot of things for granted, simply naming things, and really should give more thought to the wonder unfolding.
We see things and name them, and then feel comfortable with them; like we have a grasp of them.
But what is happening, despite this comfortable position, is actually beyond words / description. This is becoming (or should be) more apparent as time goes on (another notion: time) that iON, and other folks before him, say is about to disappear / end). We're just getting started.
I spoke with Bob Neveritt recently and, along these same lines, he's brought my attention to the fact that I often speak of much of this as a foregone conclusion, or that there isn't much further to explore.
I should say that, I speak this way, because I feel like I'm writing to a whole spectrum of folks and not just those "in the know".
This could easily be (all of my articles) an exploration into experience and the unfolding, but I feel it more appropriate to keep all of this, for the most part, "accessible". Almost a primer on our situation (present and impending).
We will have the space, soon enough, to ponder and engage in the wonder as it unfolds; but, for the present moment, I'm keeping this distilled and (hopefully) easily understood.
It is my sincere desire to also inspire and encourage folks who are just learning of all of this to pursue more personal explorations into what it is that is unfolding; to allow reflection on the reality of what is happening, and to enjoy the play in observing and reflecting on this unfolding, and what it is doing to us, inside.
Again, about the drops, if you're looking for energy - buy the drops. If you're looking for blissful experiences - buy the drops. If you would like to bring your body into a healthier, more ascended state - to bring the frequency of your cells more into alignment with the frequency that is soon to befall us all, then buy the drops.
iON has said that animals and children to not need the drops. Animals, per iON, are already non-physical (don't ask...Still figuring that one out). And children just don't need it.
What I've also felt (and learned from others about their experiences on the drops) is a sense of a very deep ease. There is a looseness and a playfulness - the buoyancy - that just wells up from within.
This is the same buoyancy that had me making jokes and being witty effortlessly. I wouldn't even be thinking about the conversation and something would literally fall out of my mouth. It's very hard to explain.
Others have said they've been told people see them as being more giddy; playful. I can say this without a doubt - there is a freedom and joy that arises and from what I can tell. Again, this is likely what iON calls our non-physical, something which composes most of what we are, beaming from us.
It's hard to articulate this, especially, as it's happening, but that is the best explanation I can come up with for the time being. It's got to be a Buddha joy / laughter.
At the moment, beyond the blissful experiences, this sort of open, joyful ease has got to be one of the most significant, pleasant and obvious-to-the-outside-observer effects of the drops.
I know that this is what we have to look forward to. It is the sort of Zen no mind state; a condition where we simply act from deep inside. It is an easy and flowing activity. Our mind doesn't get in our way, and we can just be.
In any event, day 26 on the drops is only halfway through. I'm looking forward to, as always, hitting the drops again tonight. Nothing but good things to say.
I hope this article finds you all well, and well on your way.