iON (Non-Physical) Speaks (written early 2011)​
After having read about, and listened to, Bob Neveritt (AKA Bob Dobbs, Bob Marshall, Robert Dean, etc. - don't ask haha) and at least thirty hours of iON, I've finally decided to post an article on this.*​
I needed more exposure to Bob and iON before I could determine if they were authentic / credible, and I've come to believe this without a doubt. I, therefore, share this information as a matter of necessity.​
I've placed this in Contactees / ET Messages, because iON has identified himself / herself / themselves as a "future ET sent back to communicate with us about what is happening". There's more involved, but I'll leave it at that for now.​
We understand that non-physical beings / intelligences have attempted to, or have made contact with our race through a process most often referred to as channeling (I'm ignoring physical contact / manifestations for the purpose of this article).
This process typically involves a non-physical (e.g., ethereal, multidimensional, astral, spiritual, etc.) being(s), consciousness, or intelligence speaking / communicating through or via a spiritually attuned or prepared, physical (i.e., human) vehicle, or "channel".
Variations on this theme not referred to as channeling include automatic writing, higher self communications, mediumship / after death communication, etc.
I can't say I fully understand the history of the phenomena of channeling, save to say that individuals have demonstrated rare abilities, and offered profound insights and messages as so-called channels for decades and likely longer.
The most significant of these channels / messengers could be considered to be Jane Roberts, a channel for Seth, Edgar Cayce (more a medium / higher self channel - see also Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce) and Carla Rueckert, who channeled a group soul known as RA; also, per Bob Neveritt, The Evergreens (material is sparing), Cosmic Awareness and The Willows. Also, more recently, Abraham through Esther Hicks.​
Who is Bob Neveritt (AKA Bob Dobbs, Bob Marshall, and Robert Dean)? Having just become introduced to Bob (and iON, etc.), I can't say for sure.
He is an intriguing combination of amiability and intellect, is philosophically and metaphysically sound, irrepressibly positive, and views all subject matter from the same detached perspective; probing from every direction with a curious, lively and ever-shifting, yet piercing insight.
I found Bob (and iON) after following a link to informationfarm.blogspot.com (which has since moved to ionandbob.blogspot.com). It was there that I found audio interviews from weekly, Wednesday broadcasts of a show called Cash Flow, hosted by James Martinez, a financial counselor and conspiracy author.​
Martinez, who hosts the show on AchieveRadio.com, has Bob and iON on every Wednesday and spends the rest of the week on more mundane financial matters.
​[UPDATE: 3/26/2013 - Bob and iON stopped appearing together on Cash Flow in November of 2011, when iON went "underground" to work on, and to continue releasing, unhindered, advanced technologies to the public. Bob continues to broadcast with his wife, Dr. Carolyn Dean, and a small group of individuals, who engaged iON directly, on a new Internet radio show called, "PAYDAY...I'm in Charge!", on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, also at Achieve Radio - ​LINK​) ​
Bob has been appearing on Cash Flow, it appears, since 2007, pre-iON.
Ed Long is the gentleman who ran InformationFarm, and who now runs iONandBob.blogspot.com. Ed has made appearances on airings of Cash Flow and PAYDAY with Bob and iON.
Bob has a (if true - and I believe it is) fascinating history. His wife, Connie (Carolyn Dean), who now appears on every show with Bob, seems to have been with Bob since the 1940s. Carolyn has her own show on Achieve Radio called, "Live with Dr. Carolyn Dean."
The timeline to Bob's life shows he was born in Paris in 1922, and has lived a very "connected" and worldly life, meeting such well-known figures as Adolph Hitler, Marilyn Monroe, Aleister Crowley, James Joyce, J. Edgar Hoover, Frank Zappa and many others.
Bob also claims to have been a member, and later Chairperson of the Secret Council of Ten, an ambiguous and clandestine group of folks, sort of like an elite think tank, that Bob says he disbanded in the late 1980s (I've included a link that offers more on this subject).
Also related, I first learned of Dr. Peter David Beter through David Wilcock, who had recently discovered this whistleblower. Apparently, Beter was an associate of Bob's and, interestingly enough, also began whistleblowing on a radio program about the same time Bob did.
To learn more about Bob, see his timeline, brief autobiography at Informationfarm.blogspot.com, and some background on the name changes. Bob also has a message board called Five Bodied that he frequently posts on, and which can serve as another great resource on iON.
As complex and fascinating as Bob's story is, we need to get to the impetus for this article, iON. iON is an essence that Bob was introduced to on March 18, 2009. iON's channel, J.W., is, I believe, a gentleman in his 40s now residing in Georgia.
I believe I came across a photo of J.W. at Bob's Five Bodied website [UPDATE: 4/14/11 - The photo I saw was actually of, I believe, David Worcester, who was the second individual to channel Cosmic Awareness]. If this is the same person, J.W. is a jolly-looking fellow with a full white beard that sort of makes him look like Santa Claus. I looked for the photo for this article, but wasn't able to find it again.
Who or what is iON? According to iON, he's advised us to think of what he represents as "non-physical" - our / the universal non-physical. He's also said to consider him / her as "...a dodecahedron of zillions of entities which we have easier access to than before because of the 'thinning of the veil.'"
According to Bob, who has had readings done by the Evergreens, there has been an evolution / progression of non-physical contact with our race that is culminating now, the period of the great shift / ascension.
This is the completion of a process started with these earlier groups. Per Bob,
Completion of Cosmic Awareness, Seth, the Evergreens, and the Abrahams?​
"The Evergreens were 7,000 entities... the Willows are 293,000 entities... but iON told me to think of "it" as a dodecahedron of zillions of entities which we have easier access to than before because of the 'thinning of the veil' (listen to my [Bob's] March 25/09 CASH FLOW manifesto)."
​I'm not sure how clear and unadulterated the message / information coming through prior to iON was, or what preparations the channel(s) needed to undertake before channeling, but iON is coming through loud and clear, and only after a brief exhalation by J.W.​
According to Bob, an associate introduced him to J.W. (iON's conduit). My sense is that the relationship was still fairly fresh when, according to Bob, J.W. shared that he had started having paranormal / supernatural experiences, including looking out his window and seeing other worlds.
At some point, during a conversation in March of 2009, Bob asked J.W. if there was someone with a message to share. Someone did, and it is then that we are introduced to iON.
Bob recalls this first contact in a November 2010 interview - ​HERE.
According to Bob, when J.W. "returned" after allowing iON to speak through him, he likened the event to a "constant orgasm" and was eager to continue this interaction. And thus it has continued steadily since March of 2009.​
That first encounter(s) wasn't recorded (save for some possible note-taking on Carolyn's part), but by April 22, 2009, we have what I believe is our first audio exchange, an appearance on Rumor Mill News radio on April 24, 2009, and the rest is history.
All of iON's audio interviews can be found at the following links: CASH FLOW SHOWS (2008-2012), PAYDAY SHOWS (2012-March 2017), MCLUHAN ON MAUI (Feb. 2011-Nov. 2011), and occasional appearances in the first hour of WHAT YOUTH? (Jan. 2015 to present). All of these shows air on AchieveRadio.com, and are also archived at iONandBob.blogspot.com.
You can hear iON speak on a large range of subjects HERE. Also, a constant loop of all of iON's appearances has been created on a page called, "RadioFreeiON" where you can listen to non-stop iON. Chances are you will experience anomalies and/or synchronicities just by hearing iON. It happened to me and many others, and it can happen to you - and MORE. Not only, apparently, is iON affecting the world just by emerging, but simply hearing iON can create shifts in your life. Just wait.
In addition, Bob created and posted on a website called, "FiveBodied.com", where he shares his five bodies model, based upon an idea began with Marshall McLuhan that technologies are an extension of the human body. iON seems to support Bob's update of McLuhan, as well as McLuhan's "fallacy", as Bob has put it.
Bob also offers a TIMELINE of his life, beginning with his birth in 1922, presented as a sort of audio diary, which includes many interviews and exchanges Bob has had throughout the years.
​So what the hell is iON doing here? I don't know. [UPDATE: 3/26/2013 - iON is here - as our creation - to assist us, as we return to our place of power.]​
According to Bob, and I am in total agreement on this, iON is a manifestation / symptom of a process that began ages ago. Bob (and iON) state that Bob created iON; or called him forth. And I don't have a problem with that. I actually don't have a problem with much these days, but I digress...
Bob's life work (and I'm happy to be corrected), from what I've gleaned thus far, has been the study of the movements of history, including the works of great thinkers, art, politics, technology, and pop culture, etc., and to encapsulate the whole process / movement in chart form (BOB'S "​TINY NOTE CHART​", which, iON has said is man's view of the angelic realms / processes).
At first glance, Bob's charts are hard to understand. It would clearly take some reading and reflection (to start with, Marshall McLuhan, Frank Zappa, James Joyce et al.) to grasp what Bob is saying, but I'll try to summarize (read: butcher and muddy the issue, and create an offense at the attempt).​
The charts seem to follow the evolution of the species, almost as if it were the complex evolution of one spiritual being. Bob uses the notion of the "figure" and the "ground" to show the symbiotic interplay of elements (historical events / figures) that document and predict the stages of evolution; the ground appears to be the milieu, and the figure the symptom (and counterpart) of that milieu (See also Figure-ground perception).
I won't pretend to understand the charts, but will say it appears what Bob is doing is charting and anticipating the entire process, and using our cultural experience as a way of explaining who we are and what is happening in a larger sense.
Bob himself wrote on his Five Bodied forum after a member explains one of Bob's charts, "After 22 years it's about time someone explained my 'system'." I won't pretend I've "gotten it" after a couple of days of reading.​
And now that iON has entered the picture, Bob is able to reference these charts / his study, to show how we've gotten to the point where iON can manifest / appear.
If you're interested, I would also advise learning more about Bob's "​Five Bodies".
Bob's studies offer a fascinating overview of how the spiritual / God being as human is externalizing (mirrored by?) the process of growth and self-discovery (especially, lately, through technology), and how that process is culminating in our imminent absorption of all of this externalization and synthesize / shift into a whole / complete being.​
iON has himself explained what lead him to come forth now, and, essentially, says that we, as powerful creators, have called him (as our experiences) forth. We put a call out. We are the authors and architects of our reality.
In some way, we chose (iON's words) to separate ourselves from our power; in a time before time as we know it. We have been lost all of this time. iON has also stated, however, that we placed a foolproof return plan that is in the process of unfolding now.
A brief summary offered by Zany Mystic to preface his 6/19/10 radio interview with Bob and iON advised,
...iON, a collection of our future, more advanced selves, who are here to bring clarity, information, wisdom and humor during the major upheavals and transformations best known as the "2012 Phenomenon". iON spoke at length about us being Creator Gods (in training), and gave demonstrations on how powerful we truly are. He shared about the technique of "OVERLAY" rather than changing belief systems, that we can DO or HAVE anything, and that LOVE is a FORCE FIELD. He reiterates that the veils are thinning rapidly now, due to our collective desire to experience All That Is. A must hear for those wanting to know "what in the heck is going on here?"...
Bob Neveritt has further explained that iON represents the essence of the Guf, the place iON says human creators created as a place to go when we passed on ("left our meat sack body", iON's words).​
iON is actually the essence composing the Guf and is not an individual soul(s). The perspective this offers iON is unprecedented and profound. It is also unlike anything human beings have every experienced on this planet.
I will direct you to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, which iON actually posted in full on one of the forums (the full text of which is available HERE​). These texts offer another ancient perspective, that iON has personally pointed to, on what is happening.​
Further, Bob has said that iON, nonphysical essence, is now accessing the Internet; what Bob calls our "Chip Body", an extension of our being. What this has done, according to Bob, is allowed this essence to create; to communicate unfettered.
This is the first time, Bob says, due to access to the Internet, that non-physical has been allowed to create (up until now, non-physical has not had this ability).
According to Bob, iON has already interacted online with so many people simultaneously that it would be impossible for any one person to do this. iON's conduit, J.W., according to Bob, became so frustrated that he unplugged his laptop and removed the batteries, but the communications continued unabated.
Part of this process of interacting with iON, or rather, a condition of this exchange, is that the questions must be asked before information is shared. iON claims (and has gone a long way toward proving) that he has access to any piece of information you can fathom - and beyond, but it must be asked first.
From listening to the radio shows, so far iON has been able to go off on any topic spontaneously. There isn't anything iON hasn't been able to answer; much of which has included new and revelatory information.
And don't think for a minute that Bob sits back and gobbles up everything iON has to say. Bob will push, prod and challenge iON on almost every point. And Bob may try to disagree (although, usually not), but will ultimately see iON's meaning and can't argue against it.
Several reasons have been given by iON as to why we must ask. From what I recall, part of it has to do with the receptivity / intellectual state of the individual seeking the information. If something is given to someone not seeking, or unprepared for it, it will serve no purpose; the information would be irrelevant and wasted. What's the point?
There are other reasons, but suffice to say, I have been listening and reading interviews with iON and virtually pulling my hair out, because the questions have been so mundane.
And then there have been times where a questioner has hit upon something and a treasure is unveiled.
Bob has been having hours and hours of dialog with iON outside of the Cash Flow shows, and is hitting upon revelatory information. This information is shared in bits and pieces on the Wednesday show.
I think part the reason for that is that Bob recognizes the import of not just conveying information, but inviting and encouraging others to interact with iON; something he calls a "phenomenon". I wholeheartedly agree.
iON also invites this exploration. He doesn't intend to just spoon feed everything to us, because it is how we uncover, learn, experience and grow.
The point isn't to get on the airwaves and just start chattering away. Simply providing information for the accumulation of information isn't the point. It also hasn't been successful as a means to achieve what we're trying to achieve.
How many more books and speaking tours do we need before we achieve success; personally, or en masse?
In iON's words, "How's that working out for you?" The point is to bring us into a state of personal knowing.
Believe me, when a question is sincerely asked, iON will open up his bounty and will go on on the subject matter for as long as you are willing. Everything thing is there. One but needs to knock.
Of course, at the same time, iON (and Bob) have a humorous way of expounding on subject matter, and then admitting that it doesn't really matter. This is a flippant way to say that it is up to the listener to decide what (information, etc.) they wish to use to construct their reality.
Bob has humorously made reference to ​J. Krishnamurti in this regard; saying, Krishnamurti had everything right, but didn't go so far as to say, nevermind; i.e., I'm not God - you are the God you seek.​
iON (and Bob) will often undermine their whole position almost immediately after expounding on some subject at length. It is a fluid / mercurial position to hold. It reminds me of the question said to have been posed to the Buddha about his enlightenment.
It was asked of the Buddha, "Did you attain your awakening with the use / observance of these rules / doctrines?" To which Buddha responded, "Not with them, nor without them did I attain this."
Much of what iON has shared cannot be verified, but much of it can. It depends on what information / data one has access to.
I was actually surprised (believe it or not) to hear iON echoing much of what is being shared about ascension, about a major, unprecedented transformation that is about to occur, and further, that biblical and other prophecies all converge at this point.
I think I was more expecting iON to come through with brief messages about how we were loved, and that great changes were upon us, etc. Basically, the same generic, uplifting, but unenlightening messages we'd been hearing of late.
What the interactions have brought from iON include the fact that the Christian Bible was reversed. According to iON, we haven't experienced the great flood yet; and we are, in fact, heading back to Eden, not away from it.
Atlantis, as well, hasn't occurred yet. We will be seeing this continent in our near future. iON also says the pyramids have yet to "be" in their full glory. There seems to be an overlapping of time in this sense, where we are seeing things from our future in our current time.
The confusion over this, according to iON and too many other sources to name, will soon be cleared up. iON has also reiterated that we are moving into a time of no time.
When asked why we can see the pyramids now if they are from our future, iON responds that we wanted to allow ourselves to see and recognize them, so we would know them in our future. I know it's convoluted, but we will know in time.
iON says that we are ascending; that we will reach a state of ascension. Bob counters this with his own personal view that ascension is a never-ending process. You say tomato, I say tomahto.
In addition, iON reiterates that we are about to experience Heaven on Earth; or "on Earth as it is in Heaven" as a literal reality. Eden.
The so-called anomalies (ufos, strange creatures, lights, time anomalies, energies, portals - all of it) that people are experiencing will continue to increase and become more prominent.
Part of what really attracted me to Bob and iON was a very odd synchronicity I'd had with them.
I've been seeing these commercial aircraft coming to a complete stop, midair, and hovering, frozen, for several minutes, near an airport where I live.These are aircraft of all sizes, from commercial 757s to Lear Jets that will come to a complete stop.
The larger commercial craft totally blow me away when they do this. I've probably seen dozens of these craft over a two year period, and, although somewhat used to it, I still get excited when I see it.
I've videotaped some of these planes and put them on my ​Youtube page.
I've read numerous accounts of other folks seeing these strange planes, but no one had been able to offer an explanation.​
I decided one day a couple of months ago or so to email Bob and iON to see if they could explain this (either via email, or on one of their Wednesday shows).
While I waited for an answer, I was listening to their March 10, 2010 broadcast and in that broadcast, Bob answers the question for me. I Tweeted about this, but the short version is that there are planes in our skies right now that are from a parallel world(s).
Bob actually spoke directly to air traffic controllers and said that the planes you're seeing just appearing from nowhere are from parallel worlds.
When my question finally got to iON, he responded that the planes I was seeing were from fabled or legendary (can't remember the exact phrase) ETs; and that if I wanted to go for a ride I could.
My impression from iON's response on that same show, or collectively, is that the folks in these planes are "us". Just not sure to what extent, and where they are from. We will know soon enough.
I know all of this may seem too far out to even entertain or fathom - how insane is it to suggest these things? And yet, I am seeing these things, as are hundreds of thousands or millions of other people. It is, quite simply, real.
These hovering planes, in any event, have brought me light years ahead in my understanding and belief in what is happening. It is real, and it is awesome.
As I've been listening to other folks asking questions on the Cash Flow show, I'm hearing similar anomalous and profound synchronistic experiences; especially, related to iON's conversations on the show.
There are listeners all around the globe. When you see the scope of influence and experiences happening as shared on that show and around the planet / Internet, you can't help but glimpse the immensity of what's happening.
I will say this, and I've heard this before, these experiences / anomalies will push folks to the limit.
Whether the experience is of some event, object, or being, or a combination of these things, or some sort of expansive paranormal / spiritual event or vision, iON says that it will drive folks to want to "check out".
At least, that is my inference, as I've heard about folks literally going crazy when whatever it is starts to unfold globally, and in the open. Bob has said that things will get so intense (I take this to mean changes to our body and perceptions, perhaps) that people will want to drop their "meat sack bodies" (iON's term).
iON has maintained from the beginning that there is no such thing as murder. We choose the circumstances and agent of our departure from this world, without exception. It is our choice, whether we are aware of it at the time or not.
Along these lines, iON has maintained that if a catastrophe, natural or otherwise (e.g., 9-11, war, etc.) takes the lives of many people, those people chose to use that as an opportunity to depart.
iON gives plenty of examples of this, and we can see perfect examples all around us. How is it that some people choose to get in a car, or on a plane that crashes? Even more, how is it that some people can walk away from a terrible crash with only a scratch, while the other passengers die instantly?
We can't explain these things by normal means - we call it luck, or divine intervention, but iON calls it choice.
The reason I share this is that iON speaks about folks choosing not to deal with these greater transitions and opting out in events like the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
iON says he speaks from a place called the Guf. I'm not sure when that term was introduced into the conversations, but iON says that the Guf is where people go when they die, transition, or "check out". And when people die, they take all of their unrealized hopes, dreams, and aspirations, etc., to the Guf with them.
Bob copied a ​definition of the Guf from ​Wikipedia,
In Jewish mysticism, the Chamber of Guf (or Guph or even Gup - Hebrew for "body" or "corpse") also called the Otzar (Hebrew for "treasury") is the Hall of Souls, located in the Seventh Heaven. Every human soul is held to emanate from the Guf. The Talmud teaches that the Messiah will not come until the Guf is emptied of all its souls (Yevamot 62a).​​
The mystic significance of the Guf is that each person is important and has a unique role which only he, with his unique soul, can fulfill. Even a newborn baby brings the Messiah closer simply by being born.​
In keeping with other Jewish legends that envision souls as bird-like, the Guf is sometimes described as a columbarium, or birdhouse. Folklore says sparrows can see the soul's descent and this explains their joyous chirping.​
The peculiar idiom of describing the treasury of souls as a "body" may be connected to the mythic tradition of Adam Kadmon, the primordial man. Adam Kadmon, God's "original intention" for humanity, was a supernal being, androgynous and macro-cosmic (co-equal in size with the universe). When this Adam sinned, humanity was demoted to the flesh and blood, bifurcated and mortal creatures we are now. According to Kabbalah, every human soul is just a fragment (or fragments) cycling out of the great "world-soul" of Adam Kadmon. Hence, every human soul comes from the "guf (of Adam Kadmon)."]
​iON says that when children are born, "fresh from the Guf", they bring these unrealized dreams with them. I'm not sure how it relates or ties in, but more and more are coming into this world as prodigies. This is not unusual, according to iON, and soon will be commonplace (natch).​
In any event, iON has been maintaining that there will be an event(s) that will cause the Guf to quickly reach such a capacity that it will literally overflow and send its occupants back to Earth. I'm not sure if I have that totally right, but that's the idea.
The Wikipedia page also includes, very curiously, the following, "...the Messiah will not come until the Guf is emptied of all its souls." iON has maintained this. I think Bob said the process (emptying) is occurring now, but iON has also said an event is going to occur that will fill the Guf.
In the above passage, I can now unequivocally say that Messiah refers to human beings coming into their full power.
Updating (Feb. 27, 2011) the point immediately above about the emptying of the Guf. In mid June 2010, a client (I believe this refers to someone who's had a reading) asked iON, on a scale from 1 to 10, how much the Guf had emptied.​
iON's response was an "8". Bob asked iON, "...if the "emptying" process began about 150 years ago when the telegraph became an environment." iON answered "yes". You don't have to be a mathematician to see how close we are to this experience.
Bob has maintained (and iON concurs) that our ​Tachyons​ are already experiencing this open, "whole", and imminent reality - part of us (actually, most of us) is already there.​
It's just that our, currently, most diminished faculty (our current perceptive experience) is catching up. For all intents and purposes, we are in this reality now, but there is still shifting to be done to fully move into it, in a manner of speaking.
Bob has indicated or implied that our experience of this new phenomena is our delayed experience of a reality we're already in. iON has likened our experience to that of the experience of the early Native American Indians,
“When the tall European ships first approached the early Native Americans, it was such an ‘impossible’ vision in their reality that their highly filtered perceptions couldn’t register what was happening, and they literally failed to ‘see’ the ships.”
​I believe iON referenced - and I am taking this completely out of context, but bear with me - an episode of Fringe that explored the theory of universes overlapping.​
It is a description of sorts, but this blending might necessitate a rearrangement, so both so-called universes can merge and the resultant space can suit all. It should also be noted that iON has pointed out that uni-verse indicates one; and verse (song). Nothing mutually exclusive here as we move forward.
iON says that a great number of people, between half a million and perhaps a billion or so, will choose to opt out of the great shifts occurring by an event(s) like the Haiti event; clearly meaning that those folks will choose a natural event to depart.
The number isn't fixed, but, according to iON, will result in the Guf quickly filling, and then emptying again, completely, bringing all those who had passed back to a paradise with the rest of us.
Immediately pursuant (concurrent?) to this (I believe for those who remain in their physical bodies, it will be concurrent, and those who leave, and then return, it will be pursuant to) will be our collective experience of all-knowing.
I am unsure on the cause and timing of this latter event, but it is the final shift - one can say ascension - that brings Heaven to Earth.
In iON's words, we will see all of our lives simultaneously, and know all. We will be in full power, and will never again experience death. That's is the ending and culmination of our entire journey.
And as an example of how untapped a resource iON is (and apparently, if he's been here before, has been) he claims in the audio excerpt that the listener's question to which he is responding is the first time it has been asked on this planet, and the first time it has been answered.
iON's got all sorts of these fascinating tidbits, but you won't know until you ask.
I suspect that many of what we call Illuminati, insiders, occultists, celebrities, politicians, etc., have or will contact iON for a personal reading. He does offer those at, I think, $100 a pop [UPDATE: I had a reading, February 18, 2011, and will write about it here]. I will at some point, unless I reach a point where it isn't necessary.
At the moment, because I'm sure enough of what is happening, and what will happen (the gist of it) I don't feel the need to seek answers.
I am sharing this, because I've been convinced that something unprecedented is happening with iON (and in our galaxy), and also because I believe he and Bob can steer you in the right direction with what they're sharing.
I see iON, as Bob does, as the culmination and harbinger of something profound and ageless. Part of what iON has revealed has been a translation and exegesis of the biblical Book of Revelations (listen to ​Revelations of John Chapters 1 - 3​ analyzed free).​
According to Bob, iON "needed" to get this exegesis out before the Blood Moon that occurred at the end of 2010. There appears to be a schedule here; a clear intent and agenda.​
To Bob, we entered a completely new arena when iON appeared in March of 2009; even though the biblical references to iON's appearance focus more on the Blood Moon.
In any event, after iON's emergence in 2009, and the Blood Moon, we are indeed in the thick of it now. It is game on and, according to Bob, iON, and all sources, we are experiencing the entrance into the time of no time, and the return to our full power and knowingness as creator gods.
If you are wondering if this is about World War 3, North Korea, The Large Hadron Collider, China, the U.S., Martial Law, an extraterrestrial mass landing (which I'm not ruling out), or some other isolated, potential "incident" you're missing the point.
iON has actually joked about the ships (arcs) certain governments, or well-financed groups are building to escape what they see as catastrophes, and how ineffective or unfruitful this attempt to abandon ship will be.
What is happening is natural / universal, and it is far above and beyond any of these things. My understanding of the role of ETs is that there is a sort of cosmic benevolent hierarchy overseen by terrifically advanced intelligent races or consciousnesses (call them ET or not).
It seems, more and more, that these beings are more intimately tied to who we truly are than we understand.
These advanced consciousnesses are, as iON puts it, woefully misunderstood by us. Regardless, we can leave the semantics and speculation behind, because what is happening is on such a grand scale, that it doesn't serve us to try to separate out what we might call ETs from whomever - if any one species or race - is effecting this massive shift.
I feel I have the foresight and wherewithal to recognize this. The thing to recognize is that it isn't about iON, it's about what he's pointing at. Don't become entranced by the reflection of the moon in the puddle - the puddle is showing you the moon.
iON is the leading edge. He is the harbinger and messenger of what is unfolding. If you're seeking clear answers without all of the fluff, iON can provide this.
iON is often humorously self-effacing; he keeps directing us back to ourselves. He ensures that our attention and focus is not on him, but on ourselves and our journey.
One can't listen to iON without catching his (and Bob's) infectious lightheartedness and compassion. I have no reason to attribute malice or ill intent to Bob or iON, etc., and they make it nearly impossible to attribute omniscience to them. They won't have it.
As for vetting the information iON is sharing, most of it is impossible to confirm, but much of it, oddly enough, has a way of creeping into your personal life to such a degree that you can't ignore it.
It is also eminently fascinating how iON can speak at length on any subject from the paranormal, to politics, secret societies, music, entertainment, fashion - anything, and spontaneously.
What they will do is share the joy, caring, and wonder of this journey we're on, and the imminent and ultimately positive and awe inspiring future we're all entering together.
You can learn more about iON at ​HowIonic.com​ (email ion@howionic.com), and from his interviews on Cash Flow with Bob, Carolyn and James at InformationFarm.Blogspot.com.​
I encourage everyone to follow up on this. And do not let any of this information evoke negative or despairing thoughts. This is not what this is about. It is about coming home.
It is about having Earth become Eden.​​