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February 26, 2011 - March 11, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011​

A little over two weeks ago, I was contacted by a guy named Matt, who said he'd read an article I'd written about iON. If you'd like to know who the hell that is and what he wants with you, please read the article in question HERE.


In short, iON is an essence / awareness, who communicates through a gentleman in the United States named, J.W., and whom has identified himself / herself as representing our essence / non-physical.


iON has called himself non-physical, as well as a "dodecahedron of zillions of entities which we have easier access to than before because of the 'thinning of the veil'." He has also referred to himself as an extraterrestrial sent from the future to assist with / explain what is happening right now.


I have written at some length in the article about iON. And there is plenty of information available linked in that article. I would like to use this space for something specific.


iON's advocate and emissary, of sorts, Bob Neveritt, introduced iON to the world and has, additionally, cooperated with J.W. to have iON do personal readings, or exchanges, where you're able to call and speak with iON about any matter you can imagine.


I've had a personal reading with iON that I've written about at length HERE. Matt explained in his first message to me that he had also had readings with iON and, in later correspondences, shared that iON had assisted with his research and development of a product Matt sells called RnA Drops.


iON talks a lot about RNA on the weekly, Wednesday, airing of the Cash Flow show, hosted by James Martinez (archived shows also HERE). iON maintains that our RNA is going through changes at the moment that will completely rearrange and shift our physical bodies as a part of what he is calling the "Ascension process".


With iON's help, Matt has produced and tested (along with a few others) a liquid Matt calls RnA; a play on both RNA and a frequently uttered aphorism of iON's, "Relax and allow"; something iON says will assist through this process. There is more to the statement than meets the eye, but that can be pursued at the other links.


Matt has shared some of his experiences with me while taking the RnA drops, including becoming more physically defined, despite not working out, feeling moments of bliss, and growing almost an inch taller.


Matt also shared that another person was having similarly stunning experiences, and a medical doctor, who shared that some of the early symptoms were similar to symptoms of detoxification.


Because he's gotten such positive feedback, Matt's actually created a public blog page and invited customers to post about their experiences. I already felt Matt was sincere and genuine; so, perhaps the reviews will lend further credibility.


Now, back to the purpose of this blog. A number of things came into play to compel me to investigate what Matt had created - not the least of which was prompting and guidance by iON. I write about this curiosity and prompting in the articles I've posted.


I really feel there is the potential for something big in this product. And I hate to use that word...This is not a sales pitch. What it is is an investigation into the unknown. I believe Matt is sincere in what he's shared with me, and it means we're dealing with something likely connected to our RNA shift / the ascension process.


The lines have blurred. Five years ago I would have laughed this off, but truth is stranger than fiction. There is, in fact, a shift occurring. And that shift is physical and spiritual. There is much that is manifesting before our eyes, but, oddly enough, it is taking time to adjust / get used to it.

In any event, I was not put off by what appeared to be an advertisement for a health supplement (complete with photos of body builders). When I started reading, I had thought that Matt was mocking iON. I soon realized Matt was having fun with the whole process, and he was being genuine.


Despite that, when I'd read Matt's article, I thought he was exaggerating about the product he was selling. After several communications, I went back to his website and was surprised to see more of his experiences posted there, including,


   MATTHEW: "What did I notice during Month 1 of Taking the RnA drops?​


    My experience has been SHOCKING.  Shifts occured so rapidly that I couldn't keep up.  I'd suddenly have these moments of pure bliss.  Trust me, when you feel as screwed up as I was for so long - sudden bliss will scare the crap out of you!


    That occured for me within just two days of taking the drops.​


    The next shift I noticed was feeling weightless.  Like I was hovering an inch off the ground.  My physical body was full and pumped up - yet I wasn't working out much?  And my muscles didn't get sore.  Ever.​


    I know it sounds ridiculous, but see for yourself.  I'm not kidding you.  Also my wife started noticing my abs.  My waist got tighter in one month, despite eating more "junk food" and not working out much.​


    There has been a downside too.  It wouldn't be "real" for me to say it's been all magical and without contrast.  I had a HELL OF A TIME adjusting to this shifting going on.  It got me breathless, literally.  The power.


    Coming into your power is not a "light and fluffy" experience for all.  One woman I know of, who is a medical doctor, she also reports 'detox-like' symptoms during her first month.  The best I can make of this is, all the screwed up crap you accumulated has gotta go...


    ...I've had epinephrine surges that feel like I'm being torked from one reality to another...IE, 'kicking and screaming' into the kingdom!  So I figured I'd look like complete shit after 1 month on the drops.


    I mean, seriously.. my mind cannot understand how I could NOT WORKOUT and EAT GARBAGE and get results like someone who dieted on grass and protein shakes.  Sometimes your mind is not your friend.


    My mind has been kicking and fighting against this shifting process the whole time... my wife was groping my abs the other day.  She's totally impressed and I'm thinking "don't make fun of me, I haven't been working out."


    Then she said, 'no, you're lookin good!'  So I finally busted out the camera and took my picture.

    As iON said the other day, 'do you see your belly?'  'Well, you see... you haven't been to the gym.  You outta be pudged out and holding water.  You see, your 12-pack is looking fine Matthew.'​




​As astounding as these experiences potentially may be, ultimately, what we're talking about is bringing this physical vehicle, our body, to a state or condition more aligned with the changes occurring now.


The drops, as I see it, are not necessary. However, they may be able to allow a taste of what is to come to those in a position to experience that physically, now.


No one can say how or when this experience will come upon any one of us. What can be said is that each and every one of us will experience this.


I wanted to add that Matt also wrote the following about stopping the drops,


    ,MATTHEW: "I'm updating again, Logging Date Friday, February 25, 2011 10:44:31 PM...​


    I actually took about 9 days off the drops to assess what "the old me" was like.  Here's the scoop:  the old me is gone.  I was told that when you're in a new place, you can't be in the old place.​


    So I just began again continuing forward with my drops - SUDDEN BLISS might shock your system!  I felt an instant change in my perception, very calm, notice that I feel more at ease.  Well, that's all for now.


    Tomorrow, many of the "pioneering" orders go out the door... so I'm expecting outrageous feedback in the next few weeks!"


​What Matt shared here is important. It's also related to this shift we're going through. I mentioned "speaking" to iON that I wanted to turn the heat up on my experiences (of ascension / coming into full realization of who I am, etc.).


iON made it clear that I spoke ("created") and set myself on a path for more and expanded experience of this coming into full power. And something spoken / created can't be uncreated.


Once you are turned on to this and desire more and more - and especially, if you're speaking your desires - you are unable to return / go back. Once you get to a certain stage, or level (not sure what to call you can't go back.


The whole process is one of ever expanding and experiencing, anew. And what is happening is not the growth and evolution you're accustomed to.


The type and degree is foreign to our experience; especially, foreign in that it is wholly positive, exciting and rewarding beyond belief.

So, I've ordered the RnA drops, and will begin using them when they arrive in the next day or so. This blog was created for me to share my own experiences (if any).


Given everything that's happened over the last two to three years, and is happening, I'm pretty sure I'll have something to write about.


Here's to the ride!


Monday, February 28, 2011


The drops are here. I have to say, Matt did a great job with the bottles and label.


I thought the genie lamp was a nice touch. You never know how close to the truth that might be...​


The drops themselves are the color of pancake batter; although, the consistency is more like chocolate milk.


I didn't open the bottle until early this evening, but I've taken the prescribed three drops (the suggested dosage to start is 3 drops, 2 times a day).​


I think Matt mentioned this on his main page, but the flavor really is like Doritos. It's hilarious that it tastes like that...


I haven't told anyone (friends, family, etc.) I'm taking these. I'd like to use their observations, if any, as a litmus for the efficacy of the drops. At the moment, it's been about 20 minutes since I've "dosed" and everything's status quo.


All systems go here. Will report back when...Well, when there's something to report.





Tuesday, March 1, 2011




Didn't read the instructions. Was supposed to be taking these "sublingually" (under the tongue). I've been dropping them on my tongue...Will correct that tomorrow...


Wednesday, March 2, 2011




OK, I think we're in business.


Two days may be the magic number, which is when Matt said he first experienced what he called a "bliss" (my ignorance of medical terms notwithstanding...I'd actually initially dropped on my tongue, and apparently thought it would be "OK" to just scarf down a meal immediately after that...Exactly how seriously am I taking this?).


Last night, after dropping 3 drops on my tongue (and eating), I thought I might check online to see what the word "sublingual" in the instructions meant; it might be relevant(?).


So, after reading that it meant "under the tongue", I defiantly added two more drops in said manner. What am I afraid of - over-ascending?


I slept my usual night's sleep; then, this morning (about 5am), took 4 drops (I know, I know - what can I do though? I was born to walk on the wild side, caution be damned).


A couple of hours later, on my way to work, I felt a great sense of ease. I should add that I already take a battery of health powders and natural supplements, which have, at times, given me a sense of well-being (Maca root, St. John's Wort, etc.).


From When I got to work, and up to this point (about noon), however, I've just been experiencing this buoyancy; an absolutely imperturbable feeling - and I have a stressful job. There were times I was just smiling.


The events of today were no different than any other day, but I have been absolutely untouched by any of it. There were circumstances that would have normally elicited agitation, but I floated / coasted through all of it.


I have been extremely relaxed, but no less alert or active.


Also, my appetite has shot through the roof. I don’t know if Matt mentioned this, and I don't know if it's connected, but I have these periods where I'm just ravenous. haha


Overall, I just have this continued sense of total, untouched...peace. Bliss? Perhaps.


To test this, however, I need to be fair. I'll take 4 drops tonight and, tomorrow, I'll only take the 4 drops and nothing else.


Matt did say that the experience(s) of bliss was an isolated occurrence(s), so it may not necessarily be a constant state (yet). Oh man, when we get there though..I digress...


It could, then, very well be the case that I take the drops tomorrow and don't feel the same. If the same feeling doesn't return tomorrow, I'll continue on the drops alone to see if they are creating this feeling.


My thought is that what I'm feeling is a result of the drops (as casual as I'm being about it...You know, I'm blissed out...I just don't have a sense of urgency...At the moment, I kind of feel like this...Or maybe this).​


Will dutifully, and hopefully, blissfully report back soon...


UPDATE: Same day, 5:30pm. The buoyant feeling lasted all day and has continued, perhaps with a little less intensity, until now. I just took 4 more drops.


I wonder if the bliss / buoyancy experience is a symptom of your being brought to a certain plateau (vibration / frequency?), which you then assimilate / acclimate to, followed by another "lifting" (so to speak) experience, gradually bringing more and more...Endlessly?


If iON explained that once you reach a certain point, there's no going back, perhaps this is what is occurring.


Anyway, it's only been two days...Onward...



Thursday, March 3, 2011




Took four drops this morning around 5am. Did not experience the same buoyant feeling, but, again, I’ve been really hungry.


Matt advised that his body has undergone a terrific amount of growth (in one month!), including having hair grow in fuller, etc.


Matt also advised that iON told him to “toxify”; not to worry about “strictly eating health foods” (also translated to me as eat, eat, eat. Body needs those nutrients – any nutrients).


iON said that you’re starving your body of essential nutrients by, in particular, not eating meat.


You're getting the amount of protein, etc., you need from meat. So food is important to the body (for those of you wondering). And it doesn’t reject, nor is it unable to use what you might consider toxic foods. So eat!


My assessment, the supplements I take, which are mostly natural roots, flowers, grains, etc., are providing my body with nutrients that add to what I’m already taking in (i.e., I eat what I want).


The effect is my body utilizing everything, including the drops, and saying, “Thank you”. It’s obvious we’re not intended to live on the drops alone (at least not at this early stage…Maybe later?).


Soon after I take the drops I feel this lift / increase in energy, so I know they’re doing something. I’m going to forego the “no supplements” experiment. They are obviously needed and appreciated.


If the feeling of buoyancy or bliss reoccurs, I won’t write about it, as that alone isn’t grounds enough to consider this a done deal.


iON did speak again about the RnA drops (AKA Bob’s misnamed “bread of living water”) on the March 2, 2011, Cash Flow Show (around 25-30 minutes into Part 2​, and again around 36 minute mark in Part 3).​


At the 40 minute mark in Part 3 of the same show, a listener writes in, saying the drops taste like Chinese food. They follow this up by asking how long we should take the drops (i.e., do we reach a stage and just stop).


iON responded that we won't stop - we'll desire them. Bob humorously said we'd be addicted, but iON said it's similar to an addiction to fun, not the uncontrollable addiction to pharmaceuticals, or alcohol, etc.


iON said it will be like oxygen - not that it's required, but we'll desire to have it with the same frequency / abundance as oxygen. Bob also asked if the RnA drops were essential to ascension, and iON said yes.


Bob pursued that a little further and asked iON to confirm that we can ascend without the drops and iON said yes.


iON went on to say that it's a taste of the experience we are allowing in our experience now, and this experience will both excite and please the imbiber, as well as make the ascension transition smoother and more pleasant.


Again, that was non-physical actually plugging a product that they helped develop, so take that as you will.


iON said you are welcome to engage the experience, or not to. It’s up to you. I couldn’t imagine a better endorsement for a product though.


I think the agent for releasing this technology to the world, Matt and his one-page, is a hilarious seeming contradiction.


I say “seeming”, because there are deeper meanings to what is going on here. They must be gleaned in time.


It’s interesting, iON said this same (essentially, or a variant) “food” was available thousands of years ago, but was even denied kings. It was used, instead, for sacrifice, or sacrificially.


It couldn’t be clearer that this is likely the source of the ​Communion ritual; to receive the Christ into the body.​


In any event, I’m only into day 3 of the experiment. Is it an experiment? Don’t know…Whatever it is, I’ll keep you posted.



Friday, March 4, 2011




This is, officially, day 4 on the drops (day 3 doing it the "right way").


4 drops this morning, and 4 more just now (just after 5pm). Nothing unusual to report today. Over the last couple of weeks or so, the two standouts would be my reading with iON, and my experience this past Wednesday (two days ago). Reflecting back on it, I really was in an awesome physical state...


Today felt fairly "normal"; although, I will say, and I'm not sure if this has more to do with my reading than with the drops, but I've felt this sense of peace. I have more of a sense of being in something...Despite not being able to put my finger on exactly what that might be.


If I took a stab at it, it would be a feeling of relaxation brought on through knowing - being sure of something to a degree that I hadn't experienced up to this point (i.e., the shift). Basically, knowing the shift is not only imminent, but the glimpses I'm getting - experiences of depth, peace and...All right - bliss, have offered a taste of what we're in for.


I have every confidence, the more that I'm able to reflect, that the drops Matt is selling are truly important.


iON has certainly made his position clear on them. They are either the fabled "living water", or the "bread of life".  And, per iON, they will bring glimpses / experiences of ascension, and will assist with /ease the crossover / shift as well.


At the same time that I am more or less convinced about the drops, I'm also writing about my experiences to try to offer a, hopefully, credible (certainly honest) resource from someone who is taking them.


And I'm honestly saying that today has been pretty standard. haha  Another person taking the drops did say they had a dream about Matt, but I haven't had any unusual dreams (more so than usual, that is).


I will say that I've been looking at myself in the mirror the last couple of days, scrutinizing, and something does seem "different". I don't want to read too much into it, but it almost seems like my features and expression have softened...


Not "pushing against" in iON's words. I'm welcoming anything and everything (that pleases me, also iON's terminology).


On a side note, I realize how bizarre, perhaps cultish, and possibly disturbing all of this may sound. I get it. At the same time, I will say that it is possible to be sane, grounded, intelligent and independent (assuming I'm at least two or three out of four) and to see that something truly "different" is happening to us - all of us.


Nothing religious or creepy about it. It doesn't need to be about anything but everyone breaking free of a paradigm of domination and suppression, and seeing a more open and wondrous world unfolding. The added abilities certainly sweeten the pot.


If I were just pushing Matt's drops, I could easily just make stuff up. I hope it's clear I'm not doing that.


So, I continue to try to "keep it real" (as unreal as a lot of it sounds).


UPDATE: 7:20pm, two hours after taking drops today. I feel really good. It's almost two hours to the minute. That was the same amount of time it took Wednesday when I was feeling this way.


It must take two hours to run through the system. It hasn't been every time. This just makes the second, but I can say, I definitely feel really good.


It's a unique feeling. Not like I get from the supplements I take. It's warm...uplifting...Buoyant again...Bliss is a pretty good word for it.


I wanted to post this, because I take my supplements in the morning, and that's when I feel the most (if any) benefit from them. Not at almost 7:30 at night. I'm typically more run down now...



Saturday, March 5, 2011




4 more drops this morning a couple of hours ago and, again, I feel great! The drops are definitely doing something. I've not taken any supplements, and this is the same buoyant feeling I experienced Wednesday, and again last night.


What I've learned is that this experience of bliss will just become more and more - and never end (imagine that).


David Wilcock's brother's experience with the orb, that told him the experience of the shift / ascension will come in ever increasing waves syncs up with everything I've learned (and I'm learning).


iON has mentioned this before, but what could you possible want to experience once you've reached a state of bliss? It's up to you, but if you say, "more bliss", it's become readily apparent to me that not only is that possible, it will happen. The experience can continue ad infinitum.


And experiencing bliss does not mean you become this disconnected, drugged up zombie. In my brief experiences, your faculties are fully intact. Not only that, your senses (taste, smell, touch - general perception / tactility) actually become heightened.


This seems to be what the greater, more whole you is all about. A very joyful / blissful, expansive and superlative version of you. It's you ne plus ultra; God-You / You-God.


Also, everything seems to become easier - effortless. You think / cognize as clearly as ever, but somehow, there is an absence, or terrific mitigation of mental chatter.


The experience is one of being totally aware, buoyant, blissfully present, and yet untouched by potentially perturbing energy or agita. Something that occurred with me, and is occurring with me, is that I'm being more playful. I'm being very easy about things - effortless, and my actions and words have become more playful (joyful).


I can't put my finger on it, but I do believe that I'm experiencing a fundamental change that likely began with my introduction to iON on Cash Flow, but has increased since my direct contact with him.


I just read an account of someone listening to iON's translations / exegesis of the biblical Revelations, and this individual experiencing shifts in his day to day life that have instantaneously made things easier for him.


This is not to say you need to run out and buy the series - although, if I had the money I would - but that something is happening to people simply listening to iON that manifests in a very real way in their day to day lives.


No drugs, no NLP, no power of suggestion, and certainly no cult. Something greater, deeper and more verifiable on an individual level is happening here. Almost as soon as I started listening to the Cash Flow shows I started experiencing bizarre (though awesome) synchronicities.


It may not be a concept easily grasped, but if you can imagine for a moment, experiencing a state of bliss and actually having that condition increase. One might think that the state is final, or conclusive, but the reality may very well be as iON puts it - it just keeps getting better and better.


It is very likely that the experience those of us are having with these drops is a taste of what is to come. And the only thing necessary to expand and increase this experience is simply desiring more and allowing that into our so-called "Middle Kingdom"; meaning, our immediate experience of reality (versus the "Outer Kingdom", society / the world at large, or our "Inner Kingdom", the arena of thought and emotion).


Desiring more is one way to bring more of this into our experience. Simply enjoying the experience and desiring more. This can work in tandem with what iON calls "never-minding"; meaning, just to simply move through your experiences without over-thinking or forcing things; to simply experience; enjoy (iON's "injoy").


This never-minding is sort of like the "ignorance is bliss" aphorism, but there is an enjoyment of the blissful experience, and an awareness of desiring more, but no further effort being necessary.


Also, according to iON, you can just say, "bliss". Speaking, per iON, is creating. And iON never says, "Be careful what you say / speak", he says, "Know that what you speak will manifest / you will experience."


So, it would behoove you to speak of bliss, expansion, joy, love, etc., if you want those things in your reality.


UPDATE: 4:00pm (same day). The juice has been intense today. Was riding this sort of wave all day. I can see now what Matt was saying about being "amped up". I've still not come down. Still, wouldn't change a thing.



Sunday, March 6, 2011



Status quo today. Have felt the effects of the drops, but not as strong as the previous couple of bliss experiences. I have to say, I've periodically tasted and / or smelled peanut butter. I'm sure it's just a sort of residual flavor of the drops, but it's funny, because iON has several times made a reference to non-physical as being peanut butter.


iON's metaphor was that the peanut butter (or our "non-physical") is connecting "us" with "us" (the little us with the big us) to make a peanut butter sandwich; that is, to make us whole again. So, perhaps the redolence is of non-physical...


Matt has said that the experience on the drops will become more profound / intense. During my reading, iON said that I could take something to ease that (namely, the ReAline that Matt is also selling). This would ease the more intense experiences and, in iON's words, make the transition to this new state / condition a smooth, easy transition.


At the moment, nothing unusual to report.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011




It's just before 7am Tuesday. I didn't post yesterday as, well, there was nothing to report. Symptoms seem to be periods of blissful feelings that can last hours. My appetite has increased. Since the first official day on the drops, I'll have periods where I'm just ravenous. haha


There is this, now, redolence of peanut butter. I don't believe this is psychosomatic...Of course, one can't be sure. It is a palpable experience, nevertheless.


I've noticed I'm not as short of breath after activities, which is something Matt, the person selling the drops, recently shared was one of his experiences.


Another thing I've noticed is that the effects of supplements I'm taking, while initially more pronounced, are becoming less so, with the drops generating most of my physical symptoms.


Overall, I'm experiencing more levity. What I might consider low points in my day are diminished to the point that they're almost non-existent. This playfulness, levity and buoyant feeling is definitely the work of the drops.


Also, given what we're learning these truly are, there should be no doubt that there is more happening here than having one's mood improved.


The shifts at the cellular level, as evidence by the rapid and extreme physical changes reported by users, no the least of all, Matt himself, are proof that something profound and, for lack of a better term, supernatural is occurring.


Just based on the blissful experiences alone, I can recommend these drops. However, it's becoming clear that there is much more than meets the eye here.


Will continue to document. I didn't take any measurements before taking the drops. I only know my weight and height (prior to the drops) based on what's on my driver's license. haha


I'm confident that other changes will obviate the need for the measurement taking, and I'm patient enough to await those results.


The day is (very) young, so I may still report back. However, I do see this, as rapid as the changes are physically, a "process".


Matt, as well as some of the other people using the drops are reporting amazing physical changes in a short amount of time.


Still, we will see...


Friday, March 11, 2011




It's been three days since my last confession. I figured I'd just update. One thing's for sure, the drops create this nice, warm fuzzy sort of feeling. For me, I'll start noticing the feeling rising about 1-1/2 hours after taking them. The full force comes at about 2 hours and continues for however long...


I don't want to beat this into the ground, but my appetite has just ramped up. I'm hungry, a lot. haha I'm trying to find snacks / food I can keep at work.


I'm thinking about getting the Coleman backpack cooler. Would it be odd to wear this around the office? I don't want to be too far from it...




I can probably fit a couple of racks of ribs and some sides (e.g., potato salad, additional ribs, a pizza) in there. The more I look at it, the more it seems a little inadequate to the task...I'll call Coleman later and see if they have a bigger one.


Otherwise, nothing too unusual to report thus far. Actually, yesterday, I decided to try 5 drops instead of my usual 4.  I was really out of sorts yesterday...Kind of in a fog.


I can't attribute this to the drops, however, because there is a bad cold going around, and I think I may have contracted it.


I've had hot and cold flashes, on and off, for the last couple of days, and believe that may actually be symptomatic of this cold that's going around. Either that or menopause.


Bad time to experiment with an altered dosage, but what can you do?


I know Matt (the seller of the drops) said he'd heard from at least one person, who claims some of their symptoms were similar to detoxification symptoms (LINK 1, LINK 2​).


Of course, if you're taking the drops while simultaneously abruptly ending a years' long heroin habit, you might find it hard to differentiate.​


Still, I took the 5 drops today (about an hour ago), and I can start to feel them taking effect. We'll see how today goes.


Another interesting note about the drops, they seem to, according to iON (and Matt), facilitate / effect changes to your physicality as you desire. Matt reported that one user was able to grow hair (on his head) on a previously bald spot with no other products whatsoever.


As well, Matt recently reported on his blog​ (​) that you "might grow taller, if that is your desire". He added that if you were too tall already (in your mind), you wouldn't necessarily grow taller. It's based on intention.​


This is an interesting aspect of the drops. It really makes the genie lamp on the bottle more appropriate.


Personally, I've not placed much intention / attention to my physicality. I just want to take the drops and see where they go.


This is day 11 on the drops...Nearing the 2 week mark...My symptoms haven't been intense or extreme thus far, save for the good feelings the drops generate. I have been, however, taking the ReAline with the drops, which is supposed to act as a balance.


I've not had any strange or lucid dreams. In fact, I'm not really remembering them. The first couple of days after taking the drops, I did have an awesome ufo dream.


It was at dusk, and I was standing below a fairly large (about 30 feet in diameter?) ufo, that just sat / hovered above a large tree next to me. I was looking through the branches, so it was somewhat obscured, but it was very close.


Many of my ufo dreams are of lights, or massive craft that hover or fly past at a great distance. This particular dream had the craft just above the treeline, and stationary, in all its glory.


Will continue to post. I'm sure I'll get into the really weird stuff soon enough (if this isn't already weird enough for you haha).


UPDATE: 9pm the same day / night. OK, I'm not sure if the hot / cold flashes were the drops or not. At this point, I'm not sick, so I'm thinking it may have been the drops.


Yesterday was the first day I took 5 drops. I'm making that my dose for a while. If I was sick, or fighting it, the only real symptoms I had were the hot / cold, and feeling foggy-headed. That was yesterday, and it only lasted a day(?). [UPDATE: 3/14/11 I believe this may have been due to a cold going around. People are experiencing similar cold symptoms near me of late...]


Otherwise, I didn't feel any discomfort today. In fact, I felt awesome all day. This is the same blissful feeling I had that first Wednesday. It's just an overall, awesome, feel good feeling.


iON spoke more about the drops in this past ​Wednesday's (3/9/11) broadcast of Cash Flow. I encourage you to listen to that show. Actually, I encourage you to listen to as much iON as you can.​


And, as of today, I urge you to try the drops. I will say this, the feeling the drops give you is awesome, but, as Matt has said, if you're not used to the sensation it might be disorienting. You might feel "high"; definitely "different".


But when you understand what's happening, namely, your ascension, hopefully, you can sit back and enjoy the ride.


Again, I haven't taken any measurements, but I do "feel" physically better. I'm pretty active, and I can do the same or more activity without getting tired / fatigued.


Onward and upward!



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