An Open Letter To Bob Neveritt (written in 2011)
This is, loosely, an open blog to Bob Neveritt, who has commented recently that I write a lot about a "positive shift", without, perhaps, knowing what that (i.e., the shift / future) is, or what I might really mean. The nerve.​
Actually, I never really understood open letters, but felt this was that special combination of something I'd like to say to ​Bob, but also do so publicly; to air dirty laundry here, so to speak. It's really not addressed to Bob, so I'm not sure it qualifies. Still...​
If you don't know who ​Bob is, I've also written about him in an article I wrote on iON.
Bob​ is also emulated in the television show ​Fringe by his double, Walter Bishop, played by actor John Noble (see below).
This started out as a tweet-fest​, but I decided not to bombard the few folks following my tweets (not sure how these are sent) and instead to post it here (I started tweeting this Thursday morning, but stopped due to work and personal obligations, and I'm now picking up the second half on Saturday morning).
An aside, my suspicion is that there are some folks who decided to follow my ​tweets​, but got blasted with messages due to my abuse of the tweeting system.​
One's impression of a tweet might be a palatable, terse, 140 character "chirp", intended as a method to offer mercifully bite-sized observations to the information-weary reader.
What I've managed to do most of the time is to tweet like that crow that hovers over your picnic table, just out of reach, who squawks at you for hours on end until you're forced to pack up your family and leave.
Really, birds are supposed to sing. Moving on.
After interacting with Bob (and iON), I've come to choose my words wisely. In part, because I realize words create our experiences; the intention and vocalization bring those experiences to us; creates them.
I've also come to choose my words more wisely as Bob has tended to press, hard, and incessantly, for clarification on specific statements / points, and even the words one chooses to define these points.
One (OK - I) might consider this an unnecessary and hostile form of pedantry. I will give Bob the benefit of the doubt, however, and infer that there might be more to it; although, I suspect it's simply a form of sadism.
For starters, referring to my ​drops blog, Bob has asked me to define the word "bliss" as I use it (in his estimation, frequently and wantonly).​
To clarify, the bliss to which I am referring is a deeply felt, very peaceful calm. It is a sensation that almost seems to reach beyond our physical body, if that makes sense. It is an all pervading sense of calm, contentment and ease like I've never felt before.
At the same time, one feels "lighter" in all respects: physically and as regards one's attitude / disposition. There is much levity.
It's just this, sort of, ebullient state; a state of joy without any loss in cognitive ability / awareness. This is also a feeling one gets when interacting one-on-one with iON.
Bob's called it like being a zombie; except, again, there is no loss in cognitive ability or perception. In fact, the opposite occurs - you're alert and aware; senses heightened. If we're zombies, it's not brains we crave but the drops, "Drops...drops..."
Another point Bob has taken issue with / pressed me on is the notion of a positive future I speak of.
During a recent conversation, Bob suggested, from what I gather, that the notion of being "positive" or "optimistic" about an event(s) that has yet to occur is a form of projection; "hoping" for a specific event(s) / outcome.
I think this is what he was getting at; that is, that optimism and hope are intellectual departures from the present moment. These concepts imply that this moment - the "now", which is all there is, is somehow deficient, substandard, tainted or less than.
The notion of being positive, optimistic, or hopeful immediately implies or concedes a state of defeat, lack, or less-than-ness. I'm sure Bob was pressing arbitrarily, because he "had some time to kill"; the only other motive perhaps being to agitate.
Actually, it should be said, that Buddhism (I believe) asserts that one must rid oneself of hope and regret; both intellectual departures, leading us away from our experience and appreciation of the present moment; now.
So as regards this "wonderful shift", what am I prattling on about?
First, I'm writing from a condition / experience of wonder for this present moment. In light of everything that has occurred over the last few years, and for whatever purpose, I've come to a place of contentment; and gratitude.
Second, I have some knowledge of what is occurring, how it may occur, and what the end result will be. Many have offered clues, but iON has stated emphatically (if you give credence to his words) that we will all emerge to Heaven on Earth.
Along those lines, the "future" I'm talking about - that future - has, to some degree, arrived in this moment as glimpses and sensations; a peek at what that state might be like.
In the short term, however, and, to me, not worth dwelling upon, is the transitional period; the period between now and that final state, which will see great upheaval - the breaking of the eggs to make an omelet.
However, that being said, it is a fact that one's perspective / position in the order of things - their evocation - will determine their place during this transition. In this regard, I am, as per my disposition, quite settled.
Another point Bob has made is that my posts here treat the subject matter, at least in my iON related material, in a very superficial way.
Part of the reason for this is, truth be told, I am as much of a mystery to myself as is what is to come. I can only, for the most part, allude to what is happening and what is to come, because I am not versed in that as yet.
There is, however, a sense of adventure and excitement in experiencing this great unfolding; something no one can deny is occurring.
Another reason I treat the material in a superficial manner, with many qualifying statements, is so I don't turn off a reader who may be encountering this material for the first time through my website.
I, much like Bob has done on the Cash Flow shows​, will, to some degree, play the skeptic. Bob will often feign naivete, so nothing is glossed over and, as much as is possible, points are made clear.​
This is an important and related point - and I'm obviously joking about Bob, but without Bob's probing and explication, there is a chance that the phenomenon of iON would be greatly misunderstood, or overlooked.
This is one of the reasons I've said that there is no better pairing than Bob and iON. Much of what iON shares comes in the form of aphorisms, or idioms. And the meanings, if you're trying to follow along, can shift or be transposed.​
I've been listening to iON for about nine months now, and have to say that what I've gotten most from my interactions with and involving iON is something that is just as physically palpable as it has been intellectually stimulating; more the former.
It has been, for the most part, a sort of transliteration on Bob's part to break things down and assist in making this all accessible. This is not to say iON is misunderstood, because he speaks in plain and very inspiring terms.
Part of what Bob has done is to discover, through iON, that we don't know anything, in a manner of speaking. And he'll pursue that point until you come to that place.
What happens when you get there, however, paradoxically, is you come to know.
Bob is iON's intellectual counterpart. Where iON will evoke this sense of calm timelessness - where you are physically present and content - Bob will act as the intellectual counterpart, leading your mind / thoughts back to the present moment as iON has done via simple emanation.
I need to also mention, as regards bringing all of this information - iON - out, Carolyn Dean (​drcarolyndean.com), Bob's handler (hahaha), Ed, owner / creator of ​InformationFarm.blogspot.com, ​James Martinez​, host of "Cash Flow", and also Bill Schreiner​​, the owner, producer and lead engineer on and of Achieve Radio, which airs "Cash Flow".
The more you become enmeshed in the iON material / situation, the more you see everyone as a player / contributor to this unfolding.​
So, back to my earlier point about optimism, it was merely a convenient adjective that carelessly emanated from my state of contentment. It was more a descriptor, perhaps, for those looking forward to more pleasant experiences; hopefully, a balm for those struggling with their "now".
Of course, I can't speak about desiring these things if that desire wasn't present in myself. I differentiate, as iON does (and because of him) between desiring, and not having something and feeling a state of "lack" because of that.
Reiterating everything iON (and Bob) are sharing, what one might intend for oneself would be to recognize that only the present moment exists, and it is ever expanding. Not only is it ever expanding, it is - as are you - also changing / transforming into something that will bear little resemblance to it.
One way to come to a place where you can reside peacefully in this present moment, after you've been drawn to the possibility that suffering and strife will indeed soon end, is to engage with the iON material.
If your curiosity is piqued, I would do so sooner rather than later. Certainly, to ensure no misunderstandings, and so you don't have to unravel something, potentially constructed on a false premise(s).
What is being shared by iON and through Bob, etc., is a blueprint for ridding yourself of false notions, and experiencing / expanding and enjoying your existence. And, yes, feeling good about what is to come.
It will also help you see where your current perspective on things may be doing you a disservice.
With regard to the "questionably" positive part of the future, per Bob, I speak about, this can be again said to be the short term future. And only that for a specific segment(s) of the population.
What iON (and Bob) are aiding, or bringing to light has to do with what iON calls "coming into your power".
The effect of this, if one so chooses to engage it, is to put you in a place where you are content, joyful, and will remain on Earth, unharmed and undisturbed by what is and might happen.
So, to dip in a little deeper than usual, and to address the questionably positive (short term / transitional future), just to show I'm not oblivious to the reality of the Outer Kingdom, I share the following.
You’re here now. Your source / universe (you) is generating a mutation / metamorphosis whether you are comfortable with that or not. What position will you take as regards this shift? Push against, or to embrace? Resistance is, in fact, futile.
What iON has referred to as the “little man” (the pre-ascended state) may be confused and scared, and “may” push against / resist this shift. This is our - each and every one of us - decision to make.
Both subjects (who we are and what is to come) have been further elucidated by iON.
Although I don’t admit full insight, the overview includes a) our ascension / return to a profound (our original) state of Godship; and b) an eternal experience of Heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven; Eden.
Based up on experience up to this point, and what is laid out as the end of pain, suffering, turmoil, tears and all of that, who would push?
Whatever the process, all paths lead to this outcome. The Devil is in the details of what path one takes to get there, but get there they will.
A couple of interesting points, the latter I wasn't aware of, is that everyone is going through this process at their own pace, on on their own specific path. This I knew. And everyone's experiences along these lines will, for the most part, be unique to them.
The second item, something I didn't know, is that all of our perspectives once having reached the ascended state will be the same. Our omniscient perspective will be the same. So, different paths / paces there, shared experience when we arrive.
Also, so as not to seem as though I’ve missed the gist of what Bob was intimating about my optimism, I’ll refer to a passage iON (and Bob) have referenced.
​Matthew 10:34​ (King James Bible): "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
This is the process of transformation. It is a transition from one state to another. And that final state has been established as pristine.​
Presently, we are, as well as our environment, are and will undergo what could be considered “violent” change; a metamorphosis. Our position / perspective determine degree.
Jordan Maxwell​​, a Project Camelot whistleblower, considers this a “mutation that is being foisted on the human race.”​
I like the caterpillar saying to the butterfly, “You ain’t getting me in that thing.” I also like George Carlin’s, “The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity.”
Everything I've relayed has been delivered in an encouraging tone - what one might call positive / optimistic.
All things are included, both what many will call troublesome and frightening, as well as the greater picture; what even Bob would ultimately be forced to call wonderful.
Yes, Bob understands what many will go through before we get there; and this, along with the desire to share the wonder of what is happening no doubt motivate Bob (and I) to speak on this.
Matthew 10:7​​ (King James Bible) “And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
I realize the connotations / preachiness associated with sharing excerpts from this text, but it’s been shown to apply.​
I share these excerpts without any hesitation at this point - not even considering that I'm doing so, because my whole perspective on this text has changed. And I'm not concerned about how I'm perceived as a result.
Of course, I'm not running around "preaching the good news". That book is as relevant as Marshall McLuhan, Frank Zappa and James Joyce (thank you, Bob).
Actually, to cite the great Bob Neveritt regarding the ascension, "It's fucking happening!"
Will things get shaken up? What do you think? What your relationship (perspective on) is to this unfolding evokes this / lines it up, and it is up to you.
My perspective just happens to be one of excitement, wonder and anticipation. This is the real show.
What Bob and iON have shared are insights into what is happening, how we got here, and a helpful, proper perspective. Given these things, and the mere fact and affect of iON’s presence, one can’t help but be struck with this sense of joy.
The more recent uptick on my ascension chart, if I can call it that, began with the ufo / conspiracy stuff, evolved to the hovering planes, and brought me to (or he / she to me) the iON situation. It's a sort of culmination and a shift to a new level.
What's funny is, for example, whereas I originally started ​my Youtube page Favoriting conspiracy / alternative subject matter videos, as of the last couple of months or so my Favoriting has just been done as an expression (through music) of this new space I'm in.​
What began as an observation of the detritus of alternative subject matter / media has shifted into what is now simply a joyful expression. The winds are shifting this way and that, and I'm not really paying too much attention to it.
As Bob said, he only reads the news, so he's got a topic of conversation when relating with the people around him.
Long gone are any pressing questions, or unresolved issues. Earlier preoccupations have, basically, evaporated. At least of the type that arose prior to this current experience.
There is, for the most part, an abiding contentment. So, from this perspective, when I talk of a positive future, it's here now. I'm just expressing this condition.
Now, having said that, I should also share that iON has also corrected me on my use of the word bliss. We're not "there" yet. Still, I've had those experiences. Maybe we can call it bouts of "little man" bliss.
When we do get there, this is part of what we'll experience:
Revelation 21:4​​ (King James Bible) “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”​
What’s not to like?
So, whether knowingly or not, I’ve been pointing the way, but didn’t know there would be someone there to answer (iON).
The message is being shared. I've sort of hopped on the Revelator bandwagon, but hope I'm "keepin' it on the real".
It is available - especially through iON / Bob - to those wishing to gain a better perspective on what’s happening.
And for those who don’t care to hear it, there’s always ​Matthew 10:14 & 10:15 (King James Bible) “14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. 15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.”​
It’s probably that latter perspective that makes Bob wonder why I’m looking forward to something I’ve no real clue about.
What can I say? I'm a happy guy.